5 Reasons the Reauthorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant Matters

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on February 27, 2014

The Senate will consider the reauthorization of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) as early as next week. As you know, this federal law outlines how child care funding and quality initiatives are funded in the states –yet it has not been reauthorized in over 17 years, making the Senate debate next week one of the most critical conversations about children in child care in recent times.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Raise Your Hand Discussion Continued at Symposium

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on February 24, 2014

Child Care Aware® of America hosted its first Raise Your Hand for Child Care virtual event. This event included a live reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) and Twitter chat to conclude our Raise Your Hand for Child Care five-month webinar series, which was created to build awareness about federal and state policy opportunities to support child care.

Topics: Systems Building, Professional Development, Policy & Advocacy, News

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New Farm Bill Hurts Vulnerable Children

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on February 12, 2014

President Obama signed a $956 billion farm bill into law last Friday, the first farm bill passed by Congress since 2008. The bill is being hailed by many as an historic bi-partisan victory. Unfortunately, to the victor, go the spoils.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Congress Hears Call for Action, House and Senate Hold Hearings on Early Learning

By Guest Blogger on February 11, 2014

House Education and the Workforce Committee Hearing:

“As we examine the current federal early childhood education and care system this morning, my Republican colleagues and I believe we should discuss opportunities to streamline the mountain of existing federal programs, reduce regulatory burdens, and improve transparency to make it easier for providers and parents to understand their options. And above all, we must work together to ensure these programs are serving disadvantaged families first, consistent with the original intent of the federal investment in early childhood programs.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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From Rhetoric to Reality: Inspiring the Nation to Action

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on January 28, 2014

Steeped in history and required by the United States Constitution, the President is required “from time to time” to give the Congress information about the State of the Union and to recommend for their consideration measures he deems “necessary and expedient.”

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News

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Mikulski and Rogers Unveil Omnibus Spending Bill for FY2014

By Guest Blogger on January 14, 2014


Senate Appropriations Chair Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and House Appropriations Chair Representative Hal Rogers (R-KY) introduced an Omnibus Spending bill for Fiscal Year 2014 on Monday night, searching for an end to years of partisan budget battles and averting another government shutdown.  The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 consolidates the 12 appropriations bills into a single spending bill designed to more efficiently pass through both chambers of Congress without considerable time spent on debate and passage.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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