CCAoA member testifies before House Subcommittee for CCR&R perspective on CCDBG Reauth

By Guest Blogger on March 26, 2014

Editor’s Note:  On Tuesday, March 25, Paula Koos, executive director of Oklahoma Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA),  testified  before the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, which is chaired by Representative Todd Rokita (R-IN).  We asked Paula to share some of her testimony and a little bit about her experience speaking before the Subcommittee.

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Oklahoma CCR&R Director to Testify at House Committee Hearing on CCDBG Reauthorization

By Adina Young on March 24, 2014

The House Education and the Workforce Committee, chaired by Representative John Kline (R-MN) recently announced that the Committee will hold a hearing on CCDBG Reauthorization after the Senate approved legislation by a vote of 96-2 to reauthorize the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) program.

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Senate Overwhelmingly Passes CCDBG Reauthorization Bill: Day 2 Recap

By Guest Blogger on March 13, 2014

In an effort to significantly improve the quality of child care across the nation and to prove that it is possible for the Senate to work in regular order, in a bipartisan manner.  By a vote of 96-2, the Senate approved S.1086, the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014, turning the focus over to the House of Representatives for action.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News

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Senate Takes Up CCDBG Reauthorization: Day 1 Recap

By Guest Blogger on March 12, 2014

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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California Makes Progress Ensuring Basic Health, Safety of Children in Licensed Child Care

By Guest Blogger on March 11, 2014

Editor’s Note: Child Care Aware® of America participated in a story with a California investigative reporting team writing about families’ access to licensing and inspection information on child care in their state. The story, which also featured an interview with Kim Johnson, Public Policy Director at the California Child Care Resource and Referral Network prompted local lawmakers to move forward getting inspection records online and easily accessible for families. Kim writes here as a guest blogger about the history and progress of protecting children in child care in California and why this might be the year the system gets a much needed technology fix.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Obama Administration Releases FY2015 Budget with Commitment to Early Learning

By Guest Blogger on March 06, 2014

This week, the Obama administration released its $3 trillion-plus 2015 budget, calling again for a significant commitment to high quality, early childhood opportunities for young children.  This is the sixth budget from President Obama and the second time he has put early childhood high among his priorities.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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