Guest Blogger

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Re-imagining our Child Care System

By Guest Blogger on May 27, 2021


Child care is a two-generation workforce issue — with access to high-quality child care being crucial to supporting a highly skilled workforce and vital to developing our workforce of tomorrow. Child Care Aware® of America explored the child care landscape in their report, The U.S. and the High Price of Child Care: An Examination of a Broken System. They discovered our current system is:

  • Fragmented: Each state has its own set of child care policies and funding operations.
  • Inequitable: Children of color and children from low-income families are less likely to attend high-quality child care programs.
  • Inaccessible: For many families, high-quality child care is not an option. There are not enough child care providers to meet the demand, and providers are leaving the field in record numbers. This particularly affects families of color, families living in rural areas and children with special needs.
  • Underfunded: The U.S. spends less than 0.5% of its gross domestic product on child care far less than most industrialized countries.

Topics: Systems Building

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Child Care Collaboration: Foundational Support for the Workforce of Tomorrow

By Guest Blogger on May 20, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought child care challenges to the forefront of families, businesses and legislatures minds. In a recent series of state-specific surveys completed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, referred to as the Untapped Potential economic impact reports, it was found that child care issues resulted in anywhere from $479 million to $3.47 billion in estimated annual losses for state economies. To find innovative solutions, we must build innovative partnerships. State and local chambers and Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&Rs) can combine their respective expertise to implement child care solutions that are specific to the needs of their communities.

Topics: Systems Building

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Virtual Consultation Visits: CCR&Rs Adapting During COVID-19

By Guest Blogger on February 04, 2021

“Good morning! I sure have missed your smiling face! Could we set up a virtual visit this week so I could see you and we could talk about how everything is going in your program?”

As funny as this may sound, this has gotten one of our outstanding consultants many virtual visits.

Connections are so important when working with child care providers. Consultants make many connections with the providers with whom they work. For the consultant mentioned above, just saying she misses seeing them is enough to rekindle that connection during this time of social distancing and virtual consultation visits. The providers missed the consultant too, and were happy to tackle technology just to see their consultant again!

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs

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Bringing Business to the Table for Early Childhood Education in Nebraska

By Guest Blogger on December 23, 2020


  • First Five Nebraska is sparking the early childhood conversation among business leaders through research, policy change and strategic engagement.
  • First Five Nebraska’s study, “The Bottom Line,” shows gaps in child care costs Nebraska nearly $1.4 billion annually in lost family income, business productivity and state revenues.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Professional Development

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Lessons from the Pandemic: Child Care for Essential Workers

By Guest Blogger on December 22, 2020


  • Adventist HealthCare’s investments were a direct result of what they heard from employees
  • Partnering with organizations, such as The Lourie Center and KinderCare, allowed Adventist HealthCare to move quickly and rely on the expertise of those organizations

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in March, companies had to quickly adjust in order to support their employees with the changes that were taking place. For many, child care was the number one issue.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Health & Safety

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Employer Child Care Assistance Now and Looking Ahead

By Guest Blogger on December 22, 2020

Child care is not only crucial for the development of young children, but also essential for the millions of working parents with young children. Parents rely on child care to help them enter, re-enter or remain in the workforce, but access to affordable, quality child care is often a significant barrier for many. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, families are experiencing additional challenges in finding, maintaining and affording child care that meets their needs.

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Parenting

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