Guest Blogger

Guest Blogger
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Goal Setting for Greater Impact

By Guest Blogger on December 21, 2020

Everyone can acknowledge that 2020 has been a year like no other. Leading a team in this new reality has reinforced for me the importance of good leadership practices relevant to communication, engagement, expectation setting and accountability. Based on my experience, I recommend leaders incorporate a few strategies to maximize team impact.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Best Practices

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Outdoor Play in a Pandemic: How Child Care Can Reach Its Full Potential

By Guest Blogger on November 30, 2020

Because of COVID-19, concerns for young children’s physical and mental well-being have skyrocketed. These concerns are magnified in children and caretakers experiencing compromised or vulnerable situations. That's why the mental and physical health benefits of regular time outside is more important than ever. Now is the perfect time to improve and maximize your outdoor play environments as a critical tool in your healthy child care.

Topics: Professional Development, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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More Reason than Ever to Celebrate National Farm to School Month

By Guest Blogger on October 27, 2020

Written by Lacy Stephens, MS, RDN, National Farm to School Network and Emia Oppenheim, PhD, RD/LD, Association of State Public Health Nutritionists

October is National Farm to School Month, a month to recognize, appreciate and celebrate the connections happening across the country between kids, families and their local food systems because of farm to school and farm to early care and education (ECE) programs and partnerships. While COVID-19 has undeniably made this month like no other, it has also made it even more important to celebrate National Farm to School Month and elevate the critical work of connecting children and their families to healthy, local food and food education.

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Grieving Children in a Pandemic: How Can Child Care Providers Help?

By Guest Blogger on August 14, 2020

These are anxious times for our nation. Children, parents and child care providers are all carrying an extra burden as they deal with the demands and uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is an especially difficult time for a child to experience the death of a family member or friend.

Even in the best of times, child care providers and other educators play a unique and powerful role in supporting grieving children. For example, educators can help children understand basic concepts about death. They can be available to talk, and—more importantly—listen to children at a time family members may be less available because of their own grief. Educators can also make accommodations in learning and social activities if children are struggling academically or socially.

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New Child Care Program Coaching Resource for CCR&Rs

By Guest Blogger on May 18, 2020

By Marie Treichel, Provider Services Manager

Child Care Aware® of Eastern Kansas has been providing referral services to families for over forty years, and in 1992 began providing direct coaching services to early educators.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Brain Building Tips

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Safe Practices: Being Mindful of Cleaning Chemicals During COVID-19

By Guest Blogger on May 05, 2020

In this new world of COVID-19, everyone is trying to kill germs and avoid sickness. However, our fears should not distract us from the mindful use of cleaning chemicals, including hand sanitizer. Even chemicals that are meant to keep us healthy can cause poisoning or even death when used improperly, especially around children. 

Topics: Health & Safety

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