Guest Blogger

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Innovation During Coronavirus: A Pop-up Early Learning Program

By Guest Blogger on April 10, 2020

When states ordered that K-12 schools close and colleges shuttered their campuses – steps taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 — technology stepped up. Students in communities across the country are continuing their learning virtually, in the relative safety and comfort of their homes.   

But what about our youngest learners? It’s just as important that toddlers and preschoolers keep learning, and that they maintain schedules and routines. With so many early care and education (ECE) programs temporarily (we hope) closing, it’s been difficult for both parents and their young children. There’s now an alternative for those families – a Pop-up Early Learning Program developed by an Atlanta-based school. 

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Professional Development

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First Book's Resources for Families and Child Care Providers

By Guest Blogger on April 07, 2020

You do so much to support the kids in your care. It’s not the kind of care you can put a price on in normal times, let alone during a public health crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. This is when all the handwashing lessons, the cover-your-mouth-when-you-cough lessons and the be-nice-to-your-neighbors lessons really matter. The support and leadership you provide will resonate for the rest of your kids’ lives.

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Integrating Self-Reflection into Professional Development

By Guest Blogger on March 04, 2020

Being a reflective practitioner means continuously asking yourself questions about your practice, evaluating your decisions and creating plans to apply new knowledge. Self-reflection is not a difficult skill to learn, but it can be challenging to integrate reflection into your daily practice. Sometimes it is easier to stay where we are, rather than make changes to our practice. Sometimes, we might not even realize a change is necessary. 

One way that early childhood education (ECE) professionals can employ self-reflection to improve practices and enhance skills is to ask themselves some of the following questions before, during and after engaging in professional development (PD). 

Topics: Professional Development

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A New PD Program that Improves Quality in Infant & Toddler Classrooms

By Guest Blogger on February 10, 2020

In 2017, the Early Learning Coalition of Orange County (ELOC), the not-for-profit agency tasked by the state of Florida to ensure young children’s school readiness, which serves families and early childhood programs in the greater Orlando community, launched a new professional development (PD) program called LENA Grow as a way to increase quality in infant and toddler classrooms.

Topics: Professional Development

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How Reading Storybooks Helps Children Cope after a Disaster

By Guest Blogger on February 06, 2020

Imagine being four-years-old and losing your favorite stuffed animal and familiar routines because your home was destroyed by a flood. You watch your parents cry and keep asking, “When can we go home? I want my stuffed tiger.” You do not exactly understand what is happening, but you are sad and scared.

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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Census 2020 - Count All Kids Alert

By Guest Blogger on November 21, 2019

Once every 10 years, our nation undergoes the gargantuan task of “counting every one, only once, and in the right place.”

An accurate census count is critical to the federal government accurately distributing more than $800 billion in federal funds each year. Accurate counts in the census affect federal funding distributions for many public programs i, including child care subsidies and the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). They also help allocate funding more equitably for other programs children rely on like the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicaid, foster care, adoption assistance, Section 8 of the House Act of 1937, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and community health centers.

Topics: Systems Building, Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy

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