Prevent to Protect: The Most Common Unheard of Viral Cause of Birth Defect

By Guest Blogger on June 28, 2018

It’s National Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Awareness Month, however, most women have never heard of CMV (less than 9 percent).

Topics: Workforce, Family & Community Engagement, Family Stories, Parenting

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Kawasaki Disease: What All Families and Providers Should Know

By Guest Blogger on June 21, 2018


On October 2, 2016, my son Myles, then 4 months old, had a fever. His older sister had just been sick, so my husband and I thought Myles had caught a bug from her. Poor little guy. I guess that’s how it goes when you have multiple kids with exposure to a lot of germs in one house.

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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Raising a Reader

Nurturing a Love for Reading

Nurturing a love for reading and writing is a role that parents can play in their children's lives. Success in school and later careers depends on having good reading and writing skills. These days we constantly hear about the importance of literacy. What does literacy mean? It's the ability to read and write.

Topics: Parenting

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Safety and Injury Prevention Curriculum

By Fatima Tunkara on May 22, 2018

The Problem

The number one cause of death and disability for children in the U.S. is from injuries. Most injuries are preventable AND predictable.

Topics: Systems Building, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Mapping the Gaps in Infant & Toddler Care Supply and Demand

By Maggie Norton on May 16, 2018

Child Care Aware® of America is excited to release four new story maps examining gaps in child care supply and demand  for infants and toddlers. Child care slots for children age birth to three can be both difficult to find and unaffordable for many  families. Our Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) partners in Alaska, Arizona, Delaware and Hawaii wanted  to investigate the supply and demand for infant-toddler care in their states, in addition to mapping child care supply and demand for children under six with all parents in the labor force.  Our findings were quite shocking:

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Parenting

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National Infant Immunization Week is Only A Week Away

By Julie Looper Coats on April 16, 2018

From April 21 – 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with partners, community leaders, healthcare professionals and stakeholders, will observe National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). This annual observance highlights the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrates the achievements of immunization programs and their partners in promoting healthy communities.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, emergency preparedness

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