Reflections from a Child Care and Early Learning Family Advocate

By Guest Blogger on October 11, 2018

Child Care Aware® of America believes that every family has an important perspective to be considered when making decisions in child care and early learning programs, state systems and nationwide. We recently sat down with Sosha, a vocal child care advocate, so she could share her journey into advocacy with you. 

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Parenting

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Nuevas Investigaciones Importantes para Padres

Naturaleza o Crianza

Usted ha oído hablar de naturaleza o crianza. Es el clásico debate sobre la manera en que los niños crecen y desarrollan sus personalidades. "Naturaleza" se refiere a la idea de que los niños nacen de la manera que son, y que lo que nosotros hacemos tiene muy poca influencia sobre lo que van a ser. "Crianza" se refiere a la idea de que el ambiente en que se desenvuelve el niño y la manera en que lo crían son el factor fundamental en su desarrollo.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Important Research for Parents

Have you heard? It seems as if everybody is talking about "brain development" - the term being used to describe new research into the importance of a child's earliest experiences. You may have read about it in a magazine, or seen it on the web. Maybe you're hearing it for the first time right here. What parents have known for years - that good early experiences are good for our children - is now being proven by doctors and scientists at research centers and universities all over the country.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Child Abuse and Neglect: Prevention and Response

By Guest Blogger on September 13, 2018

Child Care Aware® of America stands alongside families, providers, and the public in our shared commitment to the safety and well-being of children in child care. In 2016, an estimated 676,000[1] children in the United States were victims of neglect or abuse. A small fraction of that total – 2,104 substantiated cases – involved a child care provider. That’s unacceptable and a legitimate cause for concern among families and the general public. Continue reading to meet Amber, a mother of two young children living in the Midwest. She believes her story is a cautionary example of how flaws in how reports of child maltreatment are investigated and substantiated may lead to dismissal of legitimate cases.

Topics: Professional Development, Parenting

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Resource and Referral's Role in Supporting Breastfeeding

By Krista Scott on July 18, 2018

Some families where breast milk is milk of choice don't always rely on the mother to handle feeding. Sometimes, the mom pumps milk so that co-parents or other family members participate in the feeding process—and sometimes provide breast milk to child care providers to feed infants too.  

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Responsive Feeding Modules

By Laurie Rackas on July 17, 2018

The Problem 

Many different adults can impact the way a baby or child eats, including parents/caregivers and providers. However, those important adults may not understand or practice responsive feeding – the process of recognizing an infant's cues for hunger or fullness and responding appropriately.  

Topics: Systems Building, Parenting, Health & Safety

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