National Children's Dental Health Month is Over, But…

By Guest Blogger on March 06, 2018

Each February, the American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month to raise awareness about the importance of oral health. Here are some tips for use year-round.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: New Translations of Health Tips for Families

By Laurie Rackas on February 20, 2018

The Problem:

Many child care resources are available only in English. They are not accessible to the one in five U.S. families who speak a language other than English in their homes.

One Solution:

The Health Tips for Families Series —a collection of fact sheets for families—is now available in nine languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Somali, Hmong, Burmese, and Amharic. The fact sheets allow providers to share information with families on health topics that are considered priorities by the National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW). They also may help states and providers meet CCDF health and safety requirements.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Brrr…

By Laurie Rackas on January 16, 2018

The Problem:

Much of the country has been struck this season by record low temperatures and never-before-seen snowfalls. How do we keep young children safe and warm through it all?

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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How I Navigated Finding Child Care, What I Learned

By Adina Young on January 11, 2018

Military Child Care vs. Civilian Child Care

"We are moving to Germany,” my husband told me as he got his first official orders for the U.S. Army. I was so excited to be moving overseas I didn’t even think ahead to the fact that I may not be able to work. I was pregnant at the time with my first son and had just finished my master’s degree in public health. I was excited to get into the field, but now, with an overseas move, I had to think about if there were actually any jobs for me there. For the rest of my pregnancy, I kept an eye out for positions that popped up and tried to see if it fit with our new life in Germany. “Does this help my career while I am stationed here? Where would the baby go for child care? How long before I am able to put him in child care? Do I trust the care provider? How much would it even cost to put the baby in child care?”

Topics: Family Stories, Parenting

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Exceptional Family Member Program Respite Care Available For Military Families

By Laurie Rackas on January 03, 2018

Raising a child with disabilities can be rewarding in unexpected ways. There’s the pride of seeing your child master a new skill, often after a struggle that typically developing children never know. Naturally, there are challenges involved in caring for a child with special needs, especially if the child’s physical or developmental disability is severe. Parents often say they long for a break from the 24/7 demands of caretaking.

Topics: Systems Building, Parenting, News

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Could Your Cell Phone Really Save Your Life?

By Guest Blogger on December 28, 2017

Did you know the new iOS 11 feature on your iPhone allows you to call for Emergency SOS 911 help without using the keypad, even when your phone is locked? The great thing about this feature is that you can access emergency services silently and quickly.  Having a cell phone present during an emergency or disaster can be invaluable.  According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), about 70 percent of 911 calls are placed from wireless phones and that number is growing.

We know that having a cell phone present during an emergency or disaster is great, nevertheless, simply having a cell phone with you during an emergency does not guarantee your safety. Understanding your cell phone’s emergency options and having them properly prepared and activated is key when your survival is at stake.

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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