Survey: Majority Support for Dedicated Child Care Funding

By Anne Hedgepeth on April 28, 2020

This week, Child Care Aware® of America and the Save the Children Action Network released the results of a nationwide survey that confirms for us what we’ve known since this crisis began:

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Coronavirus

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Agarrar, adaptar e ir – Recursos de COVID-19 para los programas de cuidado infantil

By Kim Engelman on April 24, 2020

La propagación del Coronavirus (COVID-19) ha tenido un impacto inmediato en un pilar crítico de los Estados Unidos – los programas de cuidado infantil. Muchos programas están lidiando con preguntas sobre si deberían mantener sus puertas abiertas a las familias y, si lo hacen, qué deberían considerar para asegurar la salud y seguridad de los niños y las familias. Algunos programas pueden enfrentar un mandato estatal para cerrar temporalmente sus puertas al público. Otros pueden contemplar ofrecer cuidado infantil de emergencia en su comunidad para las familias que tienen trabajos clasificados como esenciales.

Topics: En español, Coronavirus

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National Tell a Story Day is April 27!

By Kandi Novak on April 23, 2020

National Tell a Story Day is Monday, April 27th. Help Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) encourage families to share the joy and value of telling stories to their children. People have been sharing stories to communicate information and connect with others for thousands of years through visual drawings, word of mouth and written words. 

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, Brain Building Tips

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Child Care is Essential: All States Should Follow Vermont's Lead to Support Child Care

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on April 16, 2020
By Aly Richards, CEO of Let’s Grow Kids and Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D., Executive Director of Child Care Aware® of America

Any discussion of essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic should include the child care providers who are caring for the children of first responders, health care workers and other essential service workers. These providers are putting their own and their families’ health at risk and helping us through this pandemic. We must provide them with the financial, health and safety resources they need as essential personnel.   

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Coronavirus

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Innovation During Coronavirus: A Pop-up Early Learning Program

By Guest Blogger on April 10, 2020

When states ordered that K-12 schools close and colleges shuttered their campuses – steps taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 — technology stepped up. Students in communities across the country are continuing their learning virtually, in the relative safety and comfort of their homes.   

But what about our youngest learners? It’s just as important that toddlers and preschoolers keep learning, and that they maintain schedules and routines. With so many early care and education (ECE) programs temporarily (we hope) closing, it’s been difficult for both parents and their young children. There’s now an alternative for those families – a Pop-up Early Learning Program developed by an Atlanta-based school. 

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Professional Development, Coronavirus

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At-Home Brain-Building Tips for Families with Children Ages Birth to Five

By Kandi Novak on April 02, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the day-to-day lives of many families with babies and young children. Some parents are seeking ideas for additional ways to interact with their children because they are now working from home or spending more time at home because of social distancing. On the other hand, some parents may have less time with their children because they are working on the front lines of the pandemic: health care professionals, emergency responders or other workers in essential businesses or services. For all families, everyday routines such as mealtime, playtime or bedtime – or even diaper changing – offer opportunities to connect with children and build their developing brains. Vroom®, a global early childhood initiative, offers free tips to parents on how to add learning to daily routines.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, Brain Building Tips

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