Cleaning and Disinfecting in Child Care Programs

By Julie Looper Coats on May 20, 2020

Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R) agencies and providers have contacted Child Care Aware® of America with questions about how to ensure their programs are properly cleaned and ready when child care programs reopen. 

First, it’s important to understand the difference between cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting. In short, cleaning means removing dirt or germs from a surface; sanitizing refers to reducing the number of pathogens or bacteria on that cleaned surface; disinfecting kills all bacteria on hard, non-porous surfaces. The distinction between the three can seem blurry, so we have gathered some of the most helpful links from partners in public health to ensure you are ready and prepared.   

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Best Practices, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, emergency preparedness

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Is It Safe to Bring My Child to Child Care during COVID-19?

By Kim Engelman on May 15, 2020

Among the highest priorities for families with young children is the desire to keep their children safe from harm, healthy, happy and well. While many families are keeping their children at home right now, states are slowly starting to re-open. But is it safe for a child to be in a group early childhood setting? 

Topics: Parenting, Coronavirus

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The HEROES Act and What It Means for Child Care

By Anne Hedgepeth on May 14, 2020

Yesterday, the House of Representatives unveiled their version of the latest round of stimulus relief: The HEROES Act. 

While we are happy to see some movement on relief for the American people coming out of Washington, this bill falls woefully short of where we need to be to ensure the survival of our child care system.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Coronavirus

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Severe Weather Preparations for Child Care During COVID-19

By Jillian Ritter on May 06, 2020

2020 Tornado Season 

COVID-19 has dominated the news in recent months. As a result, many people may not have heard that this spring’s severe weather season has already made 2020 the deadliest tornado year since 2012. Although it’s early in the season, the National Weather Service has confirmed 443 tornadoes across the country and many more have been reported. Southern states have been hit very hard, especially Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Texas and Louisiana.

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, emergency preparedness

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Safe Practices: Being Mindful of Cleaning Chemicals During COVID-19

By Guest Blogger on May 05, 2020

In this new world of COVID-19, everyone is trying to kill germs and avoid sickness. However, our fears should not distract us from the mindful use of cleaning chemicals, including hand sanitizer. Even chemicals that are meant to keep us healthy can cause poisoning or even death when used improperly, especially around children. 

Topics: Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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How Can CCR&R Agencies Help Child Care Programs Reopen?

By Jennifer Drake on May 01, 2020

Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) understands that this is an uncertain time for child care providers, as they make difficult decisions about what's best for their business and the families and community they serve. This is also an uncertain time for families as they make decisions about child care. The safety and well-being of staff, family members and children is of utmost importance.  

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Coronavirus

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