Finding Quality Afterschool Care For Your Kids

By Dionne Dobbins, Ph.D. on May 27, 2016

I’m a working mom of three kids. Now that the school year is almost over for my two older kids, it hit me - next year I’ll have one in middle school, one in elementary, and one in preschool. I’m not sure if we’ll keep our current before- and after- school care situations. And I’m still figuring out where everyone will be this summer!

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Parenting

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May 15-21 is Designated as Hurricane Preparedness Week

By Julie Looper Coats on May 16, 2016


U.S. Army Sgt. Lee Savoy lifts a child into a boat for evacuation from a flood caused by Hurricane Isaac in La Place, La. in 2012.

Topics: Systems Building, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Labor of Love: A Mother's Life-Changing Journey to Quality Child Care

By Guest Blogger on May 11, 2016

As a registered nurse, I found myself primarily working with children who have special needs. One day my 14-month-old daughter had an asthma attack while in child care. The staff never called to tell me at work because they didn’t recognize the symptoms. I arrived that evening to find my daughter having retractions between her ribs. I immediately rushed her to the emergency room where they diagnosed her with atelectasis (a complete or partial collapse of the lung). She was hospitalized for a week.

Topics: Systems Building, Family Stories, Health & Safety

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Emergency Preparedness Funding Announced for CCR&R Agencies

By Adina Young on May 02, 2016

Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies—CCR&Rs as Community Resilience Hubs. This initiative, administered through CCAoA’s emergency preparedness team aims to increase the capabilities of communities working with child care centers and family child care providers in preparing, responding, and recovering from natural disasters and emergencies.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Health & Safety, News

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A Day on the Hill: How We Let Congress Know That Child Care Works

By Michelle McCready on April 12, 2016

On Wednesday April 6, hundreds of advocates for child care stormed the Hill to represent the millions of people across this country who need quality, affordable child care. This was a part of Child Care Aware® of America's national 2016 Symposium. Attendees were fired up in the morning by former Texas state Senator Wendy Davis, who gave an impassioned speech and opportunity to walk in her shoes as a young mother in poverty who wouldn’t have risen to where she is today without access to quality child care.

Former Texas state Senator Wendy Davis kicked off the Child Care Aware of America Day on the Hill! (Photo by Steve Barrett.)

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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Did You Miss our 2016 Symposium? Here’s a Recap.

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on April 12, 2016

We were excited to have more than 350 attendees join us for this year’s biennial Child Care Aware® of America 2016 Symposium on April 4-6 in Washington, D.C. Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies and early care professionals from various disciplines and settings joined us from across the nation to celebrate milestones, collaborate for results, and advocate for a high quality, affordable child care system.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Workforce, Policy & Advocacy, News

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