Making Strides Toward Healthier Child Care

By Jessica Rose-Malm on February 15, 2018

Ever since First Lady Michelle Obama launched her Let’s Move! campaign in 2010, childhood obesity prevention has gained a lot of attention. Experts agree that obesity prevention needs to start early, and child care programs are a great place for children to build the eating and active play habits that will help them grow up healthy. Child care providers, advocates, and policymakers throughout the country have invested time, money, and effort over the past eight years to make child care a healthier place for our youngest children. Has all that work made a difference? A new report by Healthy Eating Research takes a look at how far early care and education (ECE) policies, systems, and environments have come since 2010.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Child Care Costs Outpace College Tuition: Action Is Needed

By Rae Pickett on February 08, 2018


2018 Policy Agenda Recommendations Would Improve Financial Stability for Millions of Americans if Enacted

The Child Care for Working Families Act is Top Priority

WASHINGTONFeb. 7, 2018 - With millions of American families struggling to afford and access quality child care, and early childhood education costs outpacing college tuition, Child Care Aware® of America today urged Congress to take swift action to relieve this financial burden. The organization's 2018 policy agenda calls on Congress to pass the Child Care for Working Families Act of 2017, provide at least a $1.4 billion increase to Child Care and Development Block Grants (CCDBG) over 2018 levels, and strengthen quality standards for care provided under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. These policy recommendations follow Child Care Aware® of America's release of national and county-level data showing that child care is unaffordable in all 50 states. Massachusetts county-level data supplement and map can be found here.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News

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2018-2019 Child Care Policy Platform Highlights Critical Role of CCR&Rs

By Meghan Cornwell on February 07, 2018

While it is difficult to find agreement on many of our nation’s priorities, one thing is for sure – There is unprecedented agreement that child care is a critical issue in the United States today. In fact, a recent poll found that 97 percent of Democrats, 89 percent of Independents, and 87 percent of Republicans, say they favor government investments to make early education and child care more affordable.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy

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Investing in Early Childhood Pays Off

By Jessica Rose-Malm on January 30, 2018

Would you take this deal? Buy one year of college, get three more for no additional cost. A no-brainer, right? That’s similar to what happens when society invests in early childhood programs such as high quality child care, Head Start, Early Head Start, and home visiting programs. For every dollar spent, between two and four dollars are returned to the economy in various ways.

So says a new report released by the RAND Corporation, which studied the outcomes from 115 early education programs. Investing Early follows up on RAND’s 2005 review of early childhood programs. The report looks at a larger and more diverse set of early childhood interventions, including health-focused programs, community-based interventions, and programs that take a “two-generation approach” by working with children and their parents. Investing Early looks at the connections between early childhood programs and a broad set of individual and societal outcomes. It highlights health outcomes specifically and also evaluates the financial costs and benefits of investing in early childhood programs.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Child Care Aware® of America Awarded One-Year-Grant From Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

By Rae Pickett on January 22, 2018

Funding will power development of “Child Care Data Center” to streamline access, affordability and quality for families and providers through clear data

WASHINGTON, DC — Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA), with support from a grant by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), will develop and test a web portal to drive improvements in the supply, quality, and affordability of child care. The “Child Care Data Center” will allow advocates and policy makers to identify critical needs and inequities in child care access, quality and affordability. The initial investment continues an ongoing partnership with RWJF to provide quality data for the child care field to rely upon internally and between states.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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Top 5 Victories in 2017 Paving the Way for A Successful 2018

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on January 20, 2018

Many families struggle to find child care that meets their needs and high-quality programs are difficult to find and typically have long waiting lists. We believe that no child or family should have to choose between affordability and quality. So we continue our work in convening thought-leaders, advocating on Capitol Hill, and keeping our communities abreast of the issues and solutions. We are proud of the efforts of our family advocates, staff, child care providers and the entire child care community!

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy, Best Practices, News

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