Congress Must Act to Support Child Nutrition in Child Care

By Christina Koch on November 22, 2022

Child Nutrition Reauthorization (CNR) comes up for renewal every five years as an opportunity for Congress to examine the current law and make any improvements to the federal nutrition programs. The current law, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (Public Law 111-296), expired in 2015. When a reauthorization is delayed, Congress usually includes funding to maintain the programs as-is through the annual appropriations process, which allows them to continue to operate. However, this means we are about seven years overdue for changes to be implemented to strengthen federal child nutrition programs. 

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CCR&Rs Can Help Families Claim Tax Benefits by November 15

By Teresa Valdez-Bain on October 27, 2022

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More Attention Needed on Child Care Following White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

By Christina Koch and Diane Girouard on October 06, 2022

Conference Recap

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Relationships That Matter: Utilizing National Organizations to Support Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies’ (CCR&Rs) Work on SFCCNs

By Anita E. Allison on September 21, 2022

In this final blog of CCAoA’s Staffed Family Child Care Network (SFCCN) series, several national organizations that focus their work on SFCCN are highlighted to support the work being done in CCR&R agencies. You can find the first and second blogs in this series here and here.

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Support Military-Connected Families During Blue Star Welcome Week

By Douglas McAllister on September 20, 2022


Every year, 600,000 military-connected families and children move around the country. The average military family moves three times as often as their civilian peers, and the majority of these “permanent change of station” (PCS) moves take place during the summer. Finding access to quality, affordable child care is an essential component of a smooth transition.  

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Best Practices, military

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Data-Driven Advocacy for Advancing Long-Term Funding for Child Care: A Texas Case Study


Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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