The Role Families Play in Identifying Child Care Challenges and Identifying Solutions

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on December 07, 2017

Children and their families are the heart of early care and education. We know that when child care providers and early educators work in close concert with families.

  • Young children gain a stronger foundation for learning and development,
  • Overall family well-being is enhanced, and
  • The early care workforce experiences greater job satisfaction, and frequent turnover is less likely.

Topics: Systems Building, Family & Community Engagement

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How Vroom Can Help Providers and Parents Have Fun While Brain Building

By Guest Blogger on December 06, 2017

Amy Ornelas, a child care provider and grandparent and one of our Vroom Week winners, was thrilled to celebrate with us. She has been an avid user of the Vroom App, and wanted to share her experience for parents, grandparents and providers and how it has helped her.

Vroom Week, which was held October 16-20, celebrated the partnership between Child Care Aware® of America and Vroom by sharing interesting resources and tips, encouraging families and child care providers to participate by sharing their own tips on how to engage with children ages 0-5.

Topics: Systems Building, Family & Community Engagement, Parenting, Brain Building Tips

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Partnering to Send Care Packages to Puerto Ricans

By Maggie Norton on December 04, 2017

On November 15, employees from Child Care Aware® of America, Good360, and Charles River Associates worked together to assemble disaster relief kits for Niño’s de Nueva Esperanza child care center in Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico. Volunteers assembled 150 kits that will be sent alongside thousands of other donations garnered by Good360 to families struggling to recover after Hurricane Maria. These kits included goods such as bug spray, coloring books, markers, crayons, socks, and facial wipes that were donated from Nike, Mattel, CVS Pharmacy and others. In addition to assembling kits, volunteers wrote letters to families receiving these kits wishing them a happy holiday season, and reminding them that we are thinking of them during their recovery efforts.

Topics: Systems Building, News

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Infographic: Handwashing is Key to Flu Prevention

By Guest Blogger on December 01, 2017

Health services across the world are preparing for the worst flu season in history amid fears that the vaccines used to stop the influenza virus will not be as effective this year. Fortunately, there is a simple way to prevent the spread of disease and infection to keep you and the people around you safe from catching a virus by washing your hands properly.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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The Top 5 Things CCR&Rs Should Do Before a Disaster

By Adina Young on November 29, 2017

As the end of the year nears, CCAoA’s Emergency Preparedness Team has been reflecting on the disasters that struck in 2017. Top-of-mind, of course, are the hurricanes—Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Our team worked directly with CCR&Rs affected by the storms and the providers they serve. This is the first of three blogs on lessons learned and our team’s advice for CCR&Rs about the critical things they need to do before, during, and after a disaster.

For your CCR&R to be prepared for an emergency, you need to take the following steps long before a disaster:

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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How a Local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency Can Strengthen Your Family

By Guest Blogger on November 20, 2017

Child care resource and referral (CCR&R) agencies are a critical link between families of young children, communities, and local services and supports. Alma’s story illuminates how her local CCR&R’s lending library and caregiver education program strengthens families and encourages early learning and development.  

Topics: Systems Building, Family & Community Engagement, Family Stories

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