Infographic: Handwashing is Key to Flu Prevention

December 01, 2017

HandWashingHealth services across the world are preparing for the worst flu season in history amid fears that the vaccines used to stop the influenza virus will not be as effective this year. Fortunately, there is a simple way to prevent the spread of disease and infection to keep you and the people around you safe from catching a virus by washing your hands properly.

It is therefore important to know why, when and how to wash your hands, as well as some of the most common mistakes made by people who don’t wash their hands properly.

Did you know that if everyone washed their hands, 1 million lives could be saved each year? Not washing your hands is a serious mistake to make that has real world consequences that could impact on you and the lives of others.

Click on the infographic below to enlarge and read more facts on hand washing:


Infectious Disease in Child Care Webinar

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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