Tips to Reduce the Use of Toxic Chemicals in Child Care Programs

By Jessica Rose-Malm on March 28, 2019

Keeping child care facilities clean and free of pests is one of the most important things we can do to prevent diseases from spreading. The challenge is that chemicals that providers use for cleaning and pest control are often toxic. And while that might be common knowledge for some, not everyone knows about the risks some cleaners can cause. Also, many of the cleaners that are more toxic are inexpensive, making them fast and easy choices for businesses and low-income families.  

The Child Care and Development Block Grant has requirements around handing and storing hazardous materials. If providers are using ammonia to clean or rat poison to keep pests away, they need to make sure those chemicals are locked away and out of reach.  

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Professional Development

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Health Resource Spotlight: Infectious Disease Outbreaks

By Laurie Rackas on March 13, 2019



The problem: Right now, there is widespread flu activity in 48 states and 11 states have reported outbreaks of the measles. How can adults talk to young children about what’s happening without scaring them?

One solution: A tip sheet published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA) on Talking with Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks.

Topics: Professional Development

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Workforce Wellness: A Call for Programs Doing it Well

By Jessica Rose-Malm on March 13, 2019

The life of a child care provider is never easy. Every day they wear a dozen hats—teacher, nurse, referee, social worker and more. Providers give their all to make sure the children in their care have all the tools they need to grow up happy, healthy and ready to learn. But the stress of doing it all, and for very little pay, can add up to big consequences for providers’ health and wellbeing.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Professional Development

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Introducing: A Webinar Series Focused On Consumer Education Excellence

By Sara Diamond on March 04, 2019

It can happen suddenly—a job offer that starts next week, an injury, or news of expecting a baby are only a few of the situations that can leave a family suddenly searching for child care. Many families not only feel the pressure of their circumstances, but can become easily overwhelmed and struggle to understand the different options for child care in their community. Choosing child care is one of the most important decisions families make, which is why the role of Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies as a reliable source of information is so crucial. Quality consumer education and engagement practices reduce barriers families face when accessing quality child care by ensuring they receive trusted information that supports their roles as decision makers and advocates.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Professional Development

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CCW Summit Spotlight: Owning Your Expertise with the Media

By Rae Pickett on February 20, 2019

Living in the 24-hour news cycle can be exhausting and overwhelming for some. Still, many of us have important stories to tell and are experts in the field of child care and early education. At this year’s Child Care Works (CCW) Summit, we will have a media workshop where attendees will learn to embrace, rather than fear, the media. 2019 is a critical year for child care, so there’s no better time than now to make child care a central topic of conversation. One of the most valuable ways to do that is through earned media where we can use our stories and our expertise to center the narrative that all children and families deserve access to a high-quality child care system.

Topics: Professional Development

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Ideas CCR&Rs can use to Strategically Prepare for Workforce Recommendations

By Mindy Bennett on February 14, 2019

The Power to the Profession task force recently released the Decision Cycles 345 + 6 draft document. See a high-level overview of the decision cycles by downloading our fourth e-book in our Power to the Profession series: Understanding the Recommendations from Decision Cycles 345 + 6. The goal of these Decision Cycles is to establish the very first unified framework of the early childhood education workforce that defines the professional preparation, responsibilities, scope of practice, specialization, and compensation needed to drive policy, funding, and systems change in our field.

Topics: Workforce, Professional Development

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