Congress Introduces the “Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2015”

By Jay Nichols on May 19, 2015

The bi-partisan Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2015, was introduced today by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), and Congressmen Bobby Scott (D-VA), and Richard Hanna (R-NY).

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Child Care Aware® of America Announces Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

By Chrisi West on May 08, 2015

Washington, D.C. – Thanks to a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) will expand its technical assistance activities in targeted states emphasizing health, nutrition, and obesity prevention, key components of Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) implementation. This two-year grant will leverage this unique opportunity to work with 6 – 8 states to integrate healthy eating, nutrition, and obesity prevention best practices in their state plans and priorities. To accomplish this, CCAoA will partner with and provide tools, resources, and on-site training and technical assistance to Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies and their community-based partners in early care and education focused on moving the needle on healthy communities. Ultimately, this grant will encourage states to incorporate health and nutrition as key components of quality child care.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety, News

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Comment Period for Child and Adult Care Food Program Deadline April 15

By Guest Blogger on April 07, 2015

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently reviewing proposed rule updates to the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP): Meal Pattern Revisions Related to the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. The CACFP is a federal program serving more than 3 million children in child care, Head Start and after school programs across the country. USDA hopes to update the CACFP program to be consistent with the national school lunch program, WIC and other food assistance programs administered by the agency.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy

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House Passes Bipartisan Measure to Extend Health Insurance and Home Visiting Programs for Children

By Jay Nichols on March 27, 2015

Earlier this week, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation that would extend child care and early child development programs that support millions of families.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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The New Congress Releases its Budget Proposals

By Jay Nichols on March 20, 2015

Earlier this week, the House and Senate Budget Committees approved their FY 2016 budget resolutions, and both proposed very deep cuts for many non-defense programs over the next ten years, including ones that millions of children and families depend on.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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National Child and Adult Care Food Programs Week

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on March 10, 2015

Help Child Care Aware® of America support the movement to declare a National Child and Adult Care Food Programs Week (CACFP) in 2015, to help bring awareness to the USDA’s program for adult and child nutrition!

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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