What President Biden's American Rescue Plan Could Mean for Child Care

By Casey Peeks on January 27, 2021

Earlier this month, President Biden announced the details of his $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package, the American Rescue Plan. The proposal provides emergency relief to families and businesses during the economic crisis created by the coronavirus pandemic.

The plan includes executive actions the President quickly implemented after taking office. The Executive Order on Supporting the Reopening and Continuing Operation of Schools and Early Childhood Education Providers directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide guidance for child care programs to safely reopen and operate. HHS will also provide guidance to assist child care programs in meeting the needs of children, families and staff affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on trauma-informed care, behavioral and mental health supports and family support.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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A Look Back at Child Care in the 2020 Election

By Diane Girouard on January 06, 2021


The 2020 election cycle set a record for voter turnout. Preliminary estimates show that more Americans— about two-thirds of eligible voters— voted in 2020 than in any other election in U.S. history. And in every single community, child care was on the ballot in the positions of the officials elected. In addition, in some communities child care, early learning or support for children and families were directly on the ballot, and in many of these cases, there was robust support. 

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Best Practices, News

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What It Will Take to Transform Child Care in 2021

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on January 05, 2021

At Child Care Aware® of America, we have seen child care become front page news. We have spoken with families, like the Aronoffs, struggling to access child care as providers close their doors. We have listened to providers, like Shaun Linton in Newark, Ohio, whose center has taken extraordinary measures to continue operating safely, despite a reduction in income.     

What we have heard and continue to hear from providers and families is their demands for change. The time is ripe for us to make even bigger strides than previously imagined to achieve a more equitable, affordable and high-quality child care system. As we launch into the new year, I am excited to share with you how we plan to accomplish this.  

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy

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Review of State Policies: COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Plans

By Diane Girouard on January 04, 2021

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published December 18, 2020 but has since been updated with updated information. For the most up-to-date information about states' vaccine plans, please visit this page

On December 11, 2020, the FDA granted emergency use authorization for one of several COVID-19 vaccines under development. Prior to this authorization, the federal government and state health departments have been planning for vaccine distribution, with prioritization based on the individual risk for COVID-19 exposure. While the federal government has provided guidance on prioritization in distribution, each state is tasked with making its own distribution plan for the state population. Child Care Aware® of America (CCA0A) is reviewing each state’s plan to understand how they are prioritizing child care providers to receive the vaccine and to ensure providers are treated equitably as a first step in ensuring access. As plans continue to evolve, we will update this blog and monitor other factors that may impact access. 

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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New Papers Present Bold Ideas for Re-Envisioning the Child Care System

By Ami Gadhia on December 10, 2020

As we take stock of this year-like-no-other, Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) sees a glimmer of hope in all of the destruction and reflection wrought by COVID-19 and yet another racial reckoning for our nation. This glimmer of hope is the chance to completely rebuild our child care system. Today, CCAoA releases bold new ideas to help policymakers, advocates, parents, providers and employers create an equitable, transformed child care system in 2021 and beyond. 

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy

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What the Election Means for Child Care Advocacy

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on November 09, 2020

Elections matter for child care at all levels of government as public officials have the power to shape the child care system, especially as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. State and local officials elected last week will be involved in developing annual budget proposals, while federal policymakers will be considering the need for child care relief nationwide. Our advocacy efforts will be crucial to reaching these policymakers in the coming months. Voters also directly supported child care this election through ballot measures at the state level, like in Colorado, and at the local level in St. Louis, Missouri and Multnomah County in Oregon. 

Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA) worked to ensure that child care voters had the resources they needed to ask questions of candidates and show up at the ballot box. 

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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