Kristina Haynie

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Who provides care for nontraditional-hours?
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Data & Research
Continue ReadingThe Value of Shared Services
Family child care providers work hard to maintain their businesses. Aside from caring for children, they also must track billing and attendance, maintain the cleanliness of their facilities, market their businesses, find supplies, seek out professional development opportunities and much more. Providers – particularly in home-based settings – often perform these additional tasks outside of the normal hours of operation, sacrificing precious personal and family time.
Topics: Workforce, Family & Community Engagement, Professional Development, Best Practices
Continue ReadingAnalysis Shows Child Care Supply & Attendance Better, but Still Suffering
In September 2020, Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) released a report entitled Picking Up the Pieces: Building a Better Child Care System Post COVID-19. We compared child care supply data pre-COVID-19 (December 2019) to supply during COVID-19 (July 2020). Unsurprisingly, we found that the supply of licensed child care declined dramatically after the pandemic began. When compared to December 2019, 35% of child care centers remained closed, along with 21% of family child care (FCC) providers in July 2020.
Topics: Workforce, Policy & Advocacy
Continue ReadingA Closer Look At Our New Report: Picking Up the Pieces
On September 24, we released our fall report Picking Up the Pieces: Building a Better Child Care System Post COVID-19. Alongside this report, we feature an interactive website that includes videos, infographics and a map where you can get data for each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. You can also access a PDF version of the report in English or Spanish and our annual Appendices that analyze child care prices in 2019.
Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety
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