Fee Assistance Programs: Serving and Supporting Our Military Families

By Christine LaPlaca on December 18, 2018

Deployments, trainings, frequent moves, new schools…our nation’s military families endure a high amount of stress and change. Finding child care is yet another challenge that military families face. Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) partners with the Armed Forces and other Department of Defense (DoD) Agencies to make life a little easier for these families and their children by administering child care fee assistance programs.

Topics: Systems Building, Family & Community Engagement, Parenting

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Media Is A Powerful Force

Children today are immersed in the media culture through television, video, computer games, and the Internet. Screen time is a daily part of family life for most Americans.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Los Medios de Comunicación Tienen Mucho Poder

Hoy en día, los niños están sumergidos en la cultura de los medios de comunicación a través de la televisión, los videos, los juegos por computadoras y la Internet. Pasar algún tiempo frente a una pantalla se ha convertido en parte de la vida diaria de la mayoría de las familias de los Estados Unidos.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Toy Safety: Making Safe Choices This Holiday Season So Children Can Have Fun

By Julie Looper Coats on December 10, 2018

The holiday season is a great time for family, friends and fun. It's also a time for giving gifts, especially for our excited little ones. When purchasing toys for our little ones, it's important that they are not only age appropriate but safe.

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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The Kindergarten Connection

Ensuring that children are ready to enter school to learn and succeed is not only the parents' job. In fact, a national study released in April 1998, "Kindergarten Teachers and Classrooms: A Transition Context" emphasizes that the responsibility for successful transitions to kindergarten go beyond the kindergarten teachers as well.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Parenting

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A Propósito Del Kinder

La Transición al Kinder es un Momento Crucial en el Desarrollo del Niño

Asegurarse de que los niños al entrar a la escuela estén listos para aprender y tener éxito, no es responsabilidad exclusiva de los padres. En realidad, en un nuevo estudio nacional divulgado en abril de 1998, de título "Kindergarten Teachers and Classrooms: A Transition Context," se recalca que la responsabilidad de que la transición de un niño al kindergarten sea exitosa va más allá de las maestras de kindergarten solamente.

Topics: En español, Parenting

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