Voices for Healthy Kids Calls for Campaign Proposals

By Jessica Rose-Malm on April 06, 2020

Every child deserves the chance to eat healthy food and play every day. Because 60 % children under age 6 spend much of their time in care outside of their homes, early care and education (ECE) settings are important places for children to build healthy habits.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Health & Safety

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At-Home Brain-Building Tips for Families with Children Ages Birth to Five

By Kandi Novak on April 02, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the day-to-day lives of many families with babies and young children. Some parents are seeking ideas for additional ways to interact with their children because they are now working from home or spending more time at home because of social distancing. On the other hand, some parents may have less time with their children because they are working on the front lines of the pandemic: health care professionals, emergency responders or other workers in essential businesses or services. For all families, everyday routines such as mealtime, playtime or bedtime – or even diaper changing – offer opportunities to connect with children and build their developing brains. Vroom®, a global early childhood initiative, offers free tips to parents on how to add learning to daily routines.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, Brain Building Tips

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Coronavirus FAQs for Child Care Providers & Families

By Victoria Viellieu, M.Ed. on March 22, 2020

Through our National Hotline, live chat, social media and recent webinar on Coronavirus Resources and Advice from the Field, Child Care Aware® of America has received and compiled hundreds of questions from child care providers and families during the Covid-19 pandemic. Below are a list of the most frequently asked questions from providers and parents about Coronavirus and its impact on child care.  

Topics: Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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When Should I Close My Child Care Program? A COVID-19 Flowchart

By Julie Looper Coats on March 20, 2020

Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) understands that this is an uncertain time for child care providers, as they make difficult decisions around what's best for the business, community and families they serve. The safety and well being of staff, family members and children is of utmost importance.  

Note: This post and infographic were originally published on March 17, 2020 and were last updated with additional clarifications on November 25, 2020.

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety, Coronavirus, emergency preparedness

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Congress' COVID-19 Response: What You Need to Know

By Anne Hedgepeth on March 19, 2020
Updated March 27, 12:50 p.m.

With all the news and updates around the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), it can be difficult to grasp the proposals put forward by Congress. Below you will find a summary of each proposal passed or under consideration so far:  

Topics: Workforce, Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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Recommendations to Policymakers in Response to Coronavirus

By Anne Hedgepeth on March 16, 2020

Early childhood education programs are essential for the millions of children and families they serve and play an important role during emergency public health and economic emergencies. As schools close, families need back-up child care. As communities work to ensure no child goes hungry and essential personnel are able to handle emergencies, child care providers need resources and guidance to help assist families. And, as attendance fluctuates, child care business owners need reassurance that they will be able to pay their bills.  

Policymakers can act using these recommendations from Child Care Aware® of America to ensure that child care programs can weather this growing public health and economic crisis, and to ensure families continue to have access to the care they need.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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