Oklahoma Has the Spirit

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on July 30, 2013

Oklahoma's Child Care Resource and Referral Agency (CCR&R) community kicked off the state’s annual leadership meeting in the Oklahoma City Zoo Aquarium Building last month. I was thrilled to be one of the speakers as part of a two-day visit to the state. It was the first time I shared speaking time with a seal, who occasionally appeared in the porthole behind me. The spirit of camaraderie and fun among the attendees reflected what I've seen at the many states I've had the pleasure of visiting during my year since I joined Child Care Aware® of America.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Professional Development, Best Practices

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What's the Back-Up Plan?

When you decided to seek child care, you locate the "best matched" provider for your child. You took the time to research programs, visit staff, and ask all the right questions. You were able to make your decision and now you're ready to go. But have you thought of everything?

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting

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Su Hijo Creativo

Alguna vez se ha sentado y ha mirado a su hija mientras ella juega y se ha preguntado, “¿Que estará pensando?” Para promover el desarrollo de su hija, pregúntele. Pregúntele sobre su muñeca cuando ella juega a los “bebes.”  Invítele a que ella le diga un poquito sobre la creación que ella esta construyendo con los bloques. Anímele a que juegue creativamente.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Learning from the Military Child Care System

By Adina Young on May 26, 2013

It’s Memorial Day Weekend and a time to celebrate and remember those who died in service to our country – over a million men and women who have died since the Civil War protecting our people and democratic values – not “democratic” as in political party, but the big “D” – Democracy – a government in which power is vested in the people – a representative democracy with free elections to affect nationwide policies.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, Best Practices

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Hablando con su Niño Acerca de Desastres Naturales

Los medios de comunicación, la escuela, y conversaciones de adultos. ¿Qué tienen en común estas cosas? Todos estos recursos son oportunidades para que su niño escuche y/o aprenda acerca de la reciente trajedia del terremoto en Haití. Las historias que escuche su niño le pueden causar preocupación y preguntas. ¿Está preparado enfrentar estas preocupaciones y preguntas? Aquí hay algunos consejos en cómo usted puede ayudarle a que su niño se enfrente a estas emociones:

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Summer Reading Matters

By Adina Young on May 12, 2013

Fact: Reading even five books is enough to prevent a decline in reading achievement scores over the summer.

That’s right – five books!

It’s easy to slip into summer without thinking about school. After all, it’s vacation time. But there are a few easy ways to work in a book. Or five.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting

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