Revisar Antes de Cerrar

El verano se acerca a su fin, y las clases empezarán pronto. Pero esto no significa que estamos fuera de la canícula todavía. Mientras el calor del verano sigue, es importante mantenernos alertos a la seguridad de los niños y los vehículos.  El Departamento de Transportación de los EEUU ha indicado que la hipertermia es la causa principal de las muertes infantiles relacionadas a los vehículos, aparte de los choques. ¿Conoce usted los indicios y síntomas de la hipertermia? ¿Sabría cómo ayudar si encontrara a un niño en un vehículo con alta temperatura?

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Look Before You Lock

Summer is winding down and school will be starting soon. That does not mean we are clear of the dog days of summer just yet. As the summer heat continues, it is important to remain alert to children and car safety. The U.S. Department of Transportation has indicated that heatstroke is the number one cause of vehicle-related deaths of children, outside of car crashes. Are you familiar with the signs and symptoms of heatstroke? Would you know how to help if you found a child in a hot car?

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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The Tragic Truth About Vehicular Heatstroke

By Julie Looper Coats on August 18, 2014

You’ve seen it on the news. Every year as temperatures across the country rise, quiet children are forgotten in hot cars. The result is serious injury or death and families that are changed forever.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Being Safe and Having Fun

Summer is nearing, and your child may spend more time outdoors while in child care. You will want to make sure your child care provider has proper safety measures in place in their daily routine. As a parent, you are entitled to express concerns regarding your child's safety to your provider, and your provider should make safety the highest priority. Talk with you provider about:

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Quality Child Care Gives Families Peace of Mind

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on May 09, 2014

Child care providers have a deep and resounding impact on the children and the families they serve. This Provider Appreciation Day, we asked parents to send in stories about the early learning professionals in their children’s lives and the positive impact they have had on their family. The responses were overwhelming. Below we’ve highlighted  a few to share with you today, as we celebrate and honor the teachers that care for our youngest learners.

Topics: Family Stories, Best Practices, News

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Beyond Appreciation…Gratitude for our Nation's Child Care Providers

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on May 09, 2014

Editor’s note: In honor of Provider Appreciation Day, today’s post shares a personal account of how Lynette’s child care provider supported her son and family in a time of crisis.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices

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