Health Resource Spotlight: Resources to Support Families Experiencing Homelessness

By Laurie Rackas on September 18, 2018

The Problem 

Every year, more than one million children under 6 years old in the U.S. experience homelessness. How can providers support these vulnerable children and their families? 

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Preparing for Wildfires: The Reality of Today

By Kati Wilkins on August 28, 2018

With wildfires spreading across the West, many cities and states are being impacted both directly by the fires and by the resulting air pollution from the smoke. This week, Seattle topped the list of worst air pollution in the world, and Washington state and Oregon had 4 of the top 5 worst air pollution days in the country due to the smoke from wildfires, with air that was rated as either unhealthy or very unhealthy.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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Mobile Texting Success Stories: Kansas and Florida

By Adina Young on August 24, 2018

In a recent post, we talked about the benefits of mobile texting for CCR&Rs and child care providers. In this post, we’ll look at two case studies of successful mobile texting in action.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Resource and Referral's Role in Supporting Breastfeeding

By Krista Scott on July 18, 2018

Some families where breast milk is milk of choice don't always rely on the mother to handle feeding. Sometimes, the mom pumps milk so that co-parents or other family members participate in the feeding process—and sometimes provide breast milk to child care providers to feed infants too.  

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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2018 Hurricane Season: Let's Get Ready

By Julie Looper Coats on May 23, 2018

The 2018 hurricane season is almost upon us and Child Care Aware® of America wants to ensure that you and those for which you care are ready!

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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National Infant Immunization Week is Only A Week Away

By Julie Looper Coats on April 16, 2018

From April 21 – 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with partners, community leaders, healthcare professionals and stakeholders, will observe National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW). This annual observance highlights the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases and celebrates the achievements of immunization programs and their partners in promoting healthy communities.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, emergency preparedness

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