Is My Child Safe?

It's natural to worry a little. Parents know that young children need constant supervision. They take steps to "childproof" their homes. And still, children's energy and curiosity can bring them into contact with safety hazards every day.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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All In the Family - Using Relatives for Child Care

If a relative cares for your children while you work, you may have an ideal child care solution. Who can offer better care than a trusted family member? Like other parents, you may have selected relative care for one or more of the following reasons:

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Health Resource Spotlight: Emergency Preparedness Manual for Early Childhood Programs

By Laurie Rackas on October 10, 2018

The Problem 

By law, child care programs must have a disaster plan to keep children and staff safe in an emergency. However, developing one can be complicated. 

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Nuevas Investigaciones Importantes para Padres

Naturaleza o Crianza

Usted ha oído hablar de naturaleza o crianza. Es el clásico debate sobre la manera en que los niños crecen y desarrollan sus personalidades. "Naturaleza" se refiere a la idea de que los niños nacen de la manera que son, y que lo que nosotros hacemos tiene muy poca influencia sobre lo que van a ser. "Crianza" se refiere a la idea de que el ambiente en que se desenvuelve el niño y la manera en que lo crían son el factor fundamental en su desarrollo.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Important Research for Parents

Have you heard? It seems as if everybody is talking about "brain development" - the term being used to describe new research into the importance of a child's earliest experiences. You may have read about it in a magazine, or seen it on the web. Maybe you're hearing it for the first time right here. What parents have known for years - that good early experiences are good for our children - is now being proven by doctors and scientists at research centers and universities all over the country.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Statement from the Executive Director on the Administration’s Proposed Public Charge Rule

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on September 24, 2018

"Science has shown that when children experience stressful or toxic environments, it is traumatic for future development, which is why it is critical to ensure that children and families who need access to basic services such as food, housing, health and child care can access it,” said Dr. Lynette M. Fraga, executive director of Child Care Aware® of America. “CCAoA supports the healthy growth and development of children and families and that changing the definition of a ‘public charge’ would hurt all families and all communities. Our nation has nothing to gain by creating fear and uncertainty with this public charge change for children and families with low-incomes, regardless of their documentation status.”

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, Best Practices

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