Child Care Aware® of America supports initiatives by Congress that would strengthen access to affordable child care for all. Unfortunately, the House-passed “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (H.R. 1) fails to address the child care needs of working families by not providing sufficient tax relief and prioritizing expansion of critical tax credits, including the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC).
A Message from Our Executive Director Regarding the Child Care Tax Credit
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News
Continue ReadingMapping the Child Care Gaps Across the Country
Child Care Aware® of America is excited to announce the expansion of our child care deserts work with the release of the first two in a series of customized state-based interactive story maps, called Mapping the GapTM, that explores the gaps between child care supply and demand. CCAoA coined the term “child care desert” last fall when we released our initial report exploring states and communities exploring issues of child care supply and demand. We refer to areas or communities with limited or no access to quality child care as child care deserts.
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News
Continue ReadingChild Care Aware® of America’s Story Maps Show States’ Child Care Gaps
WASHINGTON, DC — Child Care Aware® of America today released the first in its series of data-rich story maps of state child care gaps. The first interactive maps showed that one in four children in Alaska’s working families and two in five children in Massachusetts’s working families lack access to licensed child care.
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News
Continue ReadingSenate Approves Budget Resolution
The Senate just passed its FY 2018 budget resolution on a 51-49 vote. Before final passage, the Senate adopted an amendment from Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), Chairman of the Budget Committee, that removes the House-passed Budget resolution's instructions of $203 billion in mandatory spending cuts and replaces it with a deficit-neutral tax cut that could add $1.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years. This funding set-aside is protected from a filibuster.
Topics: Policy & Advocacy
Continue ReadingCongress To Miss Deadline on Extending Funding for Children's Health Insurance and Home Visiting Programs
With the authorization of funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) initiative expiring tomorrow, September 30, Congress will miss the deadline for extending these critical programs. Unfortunately, this lapse in funding could put many programs at-risk of closing and deny children access to health insurance.
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News
Continue ReadingHealth Resource Spotlight: Understanding Preschool Expulsion
The Problem:
In the past few months, much has been written about the too-common issue of preschool expulsion. Where can early childhood educators turn if they want to better understand the issue, its root causes, and how they can become part of the solution?
Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety
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