Parents & Employers Pay the Price: COVID-19 Erodes Child Care Systems

By Kim Engelman on August 18, 2020

The COVID-19 public health crisis is heightening awareness of child care as a core foundational need for both working parents and employers. Under typical circumstances, parents need accessible, safe and affordable child care so they can work. Employers also need quality child care options for their employees for their business to work. This year (2020) has been anything but typical. The COVID-19-induced erosion of an already broken child care system is having critical impacts on both parents with young children and their employers.

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Parenting

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Hand Sanitizer Alert: Toxic Ingredient Found in Some Brands

By Kim Engelman on August 16, 2020


Editor's Note: This post was originally published on July 15, 2020 but has since been updated with information from a new alert from the FDA about sanitizers that include isopropyl alcohol as an ingredient. 


Child care providers implement hand hygiene procedures to keep children in care, their families and themselves healthy and well. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in increased hand hygiene vigilance in child care programs to protect against viral spread. Health experts recommend using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol when hand washing with soap is not feasible. Hand sanitizer that once was extremely difficult to access early on in the coronavirus crisis, now is increasingly becoming more available. As a result of the pandemic, new hand sanitizer brands and products are being introduced into the consumer market. Unfortunately, some of the emerging hand sanitizer products are not safe to use, prompting alerts by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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Tips for Helping Families Support Children’s Emotions during COVID-19

By Kandi Novak on May 22, 2020


Springtime for Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies typically brings a multitude of outreach events with many opportunities to engage families and child care professionals. The pandemic has changed how CCR&R agencies provide services and outreach. CCR&Rs have quickly responded to the ever-changing health crisis and the uncertainty within the child care field, and have found innovative ways to engage families and educators.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Parenting, Brain Building Tips

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Is It Safe to Bring My Child to Child Care during COVID-19?

By Kim Engelman on May 15, 2020

Among the highest priorities for families with young children is the desire to keep their children safe from harm, healthy, happy and well. While many families are keeping their children at home right now, states are slowly starting to re-open. But is it safe for a child to be in a group early childhood setting? 

Topics: Parenting

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National Tell a Story Day is April 27!

By Kandi Novak on April 23, 2020

National Tell a Story Day is Monday, April 27th. Help Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) encourage families to share the joy and value of telling stories to their children. People have been sharing stories to communicate information and connect with others for thousands of years through visual drawings, word of mouth and written words. 

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, Brain Building Tips

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At-Home Brain-Building Tips for Families with Children Ages Birth to Five

By Kandi Novak on April 02, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the day-to-day lives of many families with babies and young children. Some parents are seeking ideas for additional ways to interact with their children because they are now working from home or spending more time at home because of social distancing. On the other hand, some parents may have less time with their children because they are working on the front lines of the pandemic: health care professionals, emergency responders or other workers in essential businesses or services. For all families, everyday routines such as mealtime, playtime or bedtime – or even diaper changing – offer opportunities to connect with children and build their developing brains. Vroom®, a global early childhood initiative, offers free tips to parents on how to add learning to daily routines.

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, Brain Building Tips

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