March 2016 Footnotes

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on April 01, 2016

“In like a lion, out like a lamb”—isn’t that what they say about March? Despite a few lingering cold spells, the city is finally starting to come alive with the sights and sounds of spring. We also have the opportunity to enjoy the blooming cherry blossoms as we gear up for our biennial Symposium event in Washington, D.C. next week.

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Symposium 2016 Virtual Conference

By Chrisi West on March 28, 2016

Updated April 7, 2016 - Symposium is over, but if you want to watch (or rewatch) the plenary sessions, you can do so by registering online!

Child Care Aware® of America is pleased to offer livestreaming as part of this year’s Symposium 2016. This upcoming event will address the hottest topics in research, policy, and practices of interest to the early child care and education community.

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Professional Development, News

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Child Care Aware® of America Releases 2015 Annual Report

By Chrisi West on March 16, 2016

Arlington, VA – Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) released its 2015 Annual Report today. The report shares CCAoA’s milestones from 2015, following the passage of the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) and introduction of the Child C.A.R.E. Act, new legislation introduced last month. The importance of accessible, affordable, quality child care was validated as a national priority in the President’s State of the Union address in January, and the dialogue around finding solutions to the cost of child care for American families continues as a major issue for Presidential candidates in this election year.

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We Moved… to Another Floor!

By Chrisi West on March 14, 2016

Child Care Aware® of America is excited to announce that we recently moved into a new office space. As the organization continues to build support around child care awareness and associated initiatives, our team has grown beyond the walls of our previous headquarters space. We have secured new office space within the same building on a different floor and are in the process of getting settled in this week.

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Spotlight on Active Implementation to Improve Child and Family Outcomes

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on March 09, 2016

Implementation science is, at its basic level, applying the scientific process to the implementation of an evidence based curricula, intervention or practice. The purpose is to bridge the gap between the theory or knowledge of an intervention and its implementation by using an evidence-based framework to plan the execution of the intervention.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Policy & Advocacy, News

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February 2016 Footnotes

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on March 09, 2016

February is always a fickle month here in Arlington, Virginia, where we frequently jump between the potential for snow and 50+ degree days. That being said, Child Care Aware® of America remains constant in its efforts to advocate for high quality, affordable child care.

Below are just a few of the highlights from February.

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