Resolve to Be Ready in 2021

By Jillian Ritter on January 05, 2021


The new year is a great time to reassess and ramp up your child care program’s emergency preparedness plans. encourages families to Resolve to Be Ready and we would like to help child care programs be ready in 2021 as well.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Review of State Policies: COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Plans

By Diane Girouard on January 04, 2021

Editor's Note: This blog post was originally published December 18, 2020 but has since been updated with updated information. For the most up-to-date information about states' vaccine plans, please visit this page

On December 11, 2020, the FDA granted emergency use authorization for one of several COVID-19 vaccines under development. Prior to this authorization, the federal government and state health departments have been planning for vaccine distribution, with prioritization based on the individual risk for COVID-19 exposure. While the federal government has provided guidance on prioritization in distribution, each state is tasked with making its own distribution plan for the state population. Child Care Aware® of America (CCA0A) is reviewing each state’s plan to understand how they are prioritizing child care providers to receive the vaccine and to ensure providers are treated equitably as a first step in ensuring access. As plans continue to evolve, we will update this blog and monitor other factors that may impact access. 

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Lessons from the Pandemic: Child Care for Essential Workers

By Guest Blogger on December 22, 2020


  • Adventist HealthCare’s investments were a direct result of what they heard from employees
  • Partnering with organizations, such as The Lourie Center and KinderCare, allowed Adventist HealthCare to move quickly and rely on the expertise of those organizations

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, in March, companies had to quickly adjust in order to support their employees with the changes that were taking place. For many, child care was the number one issue.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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Winter Break During the Pandemic: Play it Safe

By Kim Engelman on December 18, 2020

Winter break is right around the corner! 2020’s winter break (like most things) is impacted by COVID-19. The  pandemic continues to sweep the nation. As the weather has turned colder and people have retreated indoors, virus transmission rates are soaring to levels not yet seen since the pandemic began. We all must do our part to reduce community transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19. That means that this year’s winter break may look and feel a little different for children and their families. 

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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Business Continuity Planning for Child Care

By Jillian Ritter on December 01, 2020

Business Continuity 

Business continuity, sometimes referred to as continuity of operations planning (COOP), involves being able to resume normal operations after a disruptive incident, such as an emergency or natural disaster.  

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Professional Development, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Outdoor Play in a Pandemic: How Child Care Can Reach Its Full Potential

By Guest Blogger on November 30, 2020

Because of COVID-19, concerns for young children’s physical and mental well-being have skyrocketed. These concerns are magnified in children and caretakers experiencing compromised or vulnerable situations. That's why the mental and physical health benefits of regular time outside is more important than ever. Now is the perfect time to improve and maximize your outdoor play environments as a critical tool in your healthy child care.

Topics: Professional Development, Best Practices, Health & Safety, Coronavirus

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