Record-Breaking Start for 2017 Tornadoes: Prepare Your Child Care Program

By Holly Nett on May 18, 2017

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Provider Health Spotlight on Christina Nelson

By Laurie Rackas on May 15, 2017


Christina Nelson, Mountain View Child Care, North Troy, Vermont

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices, Health & Safety, News

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Health Resource Spotlight: Virtual Early Education Center

By Laurie Rackas on May 15, 2017

Spotlight On

Virtual Early Education Center (VEEC)

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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The Importance of Including Children in Emergency Preparedness Planning

By Guest Blogger on May 04, 2017

As a child care provider, you have chosen a profession of caring for children, and you try your best to protect them every day. There are many things you do to keep them safe, but it may be impossible to prepare for all possibilities. However, by including children’s needs and children themselves in preparedness planning, you can help yourself and the children in your care be as ready as possible for an unexpected public health emergency.

Topics: Health & Safety

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How Child Care Providers Play a Role in Childhood Immunizations

By Adina Young on April 21, 2017

The health, safety and well-being of children is of primary concern for child care providers. As trusted professionals, child care providers often serve as a resource for new parents and families. One of the ways that child care providers can help ensure that children are healthy is to encourage that families follow the childhood immunization schedule. Receiving timely and age-appropriate vaccines protects infants, children, and teens from harmful diseases.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Legislation Protecting Children in Disasters

By Adina Young on April 19, 2017

Child Care Aware® of America's Senior Director for Emergency Preparedness, Andrew Roszak, is keeping track of all things disaster-related. He recently authored an in-depth look at recent federal initiatives aimed at protecting children in disasters, which appears at Domestic

Topics: Health & Safety

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