Provider Health Spotlight on Patricia Crosby

By Laurie Rackas on October 16, 2017


Patricia Crosby, Owner, Patricia’s Day Care, Baltimore, MD



Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Children’s Environmental Health Day

By Guest Blogger on October 12, 2017

Now more than ever, the need to protect the health of the most vulnerable among us is paramount. Children are our most valuable resource—they represent the very future of our nation. Yet over the past few decades children have faced increasing rates of chronic illness and developmental issues linked to environmental exposures and our changing climate:

Topics: Health & Safety

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Riding Out the Storm

By Guest Blogger on September 25, 2017

We got hit by a tornado on a Sunday afternoon in late May. It was a holiday weekend, so most of our neighbors were out of town. I was out shopping in Forest Lake with my 4 year old, and my husband was at home.  We were experiencing a terrible storm in Forest Lake—it was green outside and hailed for a very long time, longer than I'd ever seen before. I called my husband to ask about the weather, and he said it was not even raining in Hugo, but looking north toward Forest Lake he saw what looked like a bad storm. Nobody could leave the store, Menards, because the wind and hail were so strong. I decided to take my son and climb under some shelving. It was that bad.

Minutes later my husband called to tell me that the house had just been hit by a tornado and that he was going to look for survivors.

Topics: Health & Safety

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Provider Health Spotlight on Margo Sipes

By Laurie Rackas on September 18, 2017


Margo Sipes, Executive Director, Downtown Baltimore Child Care, Inc.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Understanding Preschool Expulsion

By Laurie Rackas on September 15, 2017

The Problem:

In the past few months, much has been written about the too-common issue of preschool expulsion. Where can early childhood educators turn if they want to better understand the issue, its root causes, and how they can become part of the solution?

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, Health & Safety

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Are Family Child Care Businesses Adequately Prepared for the Impact of a Disaster?

By Holly Nett on September 11, 2017

On Memorial Day weekend of 2008, an EF3 tornado struck Hugo, Minnesota, a commuter town north of downtown St. Paul. Winds ranged from 136-165 mph, and the tornado’s path was six miles long and one-eighth mile wide. Since it was a holiday weekend, Christine, a family child care provider, was not caring for children at the time that the tornado touched down, but her child care business took a direct hit.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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