Alimentación y Salud

Los hábitos relacionados con la alimentación y el ejercicio se aprenden. Los niños no nacen sabiendo lo que es “bueno” para ellos. Los niños observan y hacen lo que hacen sus padres y sus hermanos. Quieren comer lo que todos los demás comen, y quieren hacer lo que ven hacer a los otros miembros de la familia.

Topics: En español, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Los Niños y Los Medicamentos Fuera Del Hogar

El uso de medicamentos para tratar a los niños pequeños va en aumento. Este aumento puede atribuirse a diversas causas: el aumento en los tratamientos para el asma, una mayor dependencia de los médicos para controlar el comportamiento, y el aumento en la incidencia de ciertas enfermedades. Aunque la mayoría de los medicamentos que se administran a los niños son para resfriados, infecciones, y dolor o fiebre, a muchos niños se les ha diagnosticado condiciones crónicas, tales como el Síndrome de Deficiencia de Atención/Hiperactividad (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, o ADHD), diabetes, depresión o asma, donde los medicamentos terapéuticos se han constituido en una rutina diaria.

Topics: En español, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Children and Medication Outside the Home

The use of medication for young children is on the rise. This increase is due to several reasons: the increase in asthma treatments, a greater reliance on medication for behavior control, and the increased incidence of some diseases. Most medications given to children are for colds, infections and pain or fever, but many children are diagnosed with chronic conditions such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), diabetes, depression or asthma where therapeutic drugs have become a way of life.

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Daily Health Checks

By Laurie Rackas on February 13, 2019

The Problem:
Child care providers are expected to do a daily health check for each of the children in their care. However, not all providers are aware of what a comprehensive health check entails.

Topics: Professional Development, Health & Safety

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Harper’s Story: An Unthinkable Tragedy and How You Can Prevent It

By Guest Blogger on January 23, 2019

Harper’s Story: An Unthinkable Tragedy and How You Can Prevent It 

It was a day like any other. Harper was a typical toddler full of love, laughs and life, when the unthinkable happened. Listen to Harper’s mother, Whitney, share how the events of that tragic day unfolded. Providers: hear her recommendation for preventing tragedies like this from occurring in your program. Parents: let Harper’s story show you why it is important to talk about safe outdoor play spaces and pick-up policies with your child’s provider.  

Topics: Family Stories, Parenting, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Stress and Provider Health

By Laurie Rackas on January 09, 2019

The Problem:

Working in child care can be stressful and take a toll on many facets of a providers’ health, including oral health. 

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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