Tips to Reduce the Use of Toxic Chemicals in Child Care Programs

By Jessica Rose-Malm on March 28, 2019

Keeping child care facilities clean and free of pests is one of the most important things we can do to prevent diseases from spreading. The challenge is that chemicals that providers use for cleaning and pest control are often toxic. And while that might be common knowledge for some, not everyone knows about the risks some cleaners can cause. Also, many of the cleaners that are more toxic are inexpensive, making them fast and easy choices for businesses and low-income families.  

The Child Care and Development Block Grant has requirements around handing and storing hazardous materials. If providers are using ammonia to clean or rat poison to keep pests away, they need to make sure those chemicals are locked away and out of reach.  

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Professional Development

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Promising Practices: Discovering Innovative Ways to Provide Support to ECE Communities

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on March 26, 2019

Child Care Resource Center (CCRC), serves California’s Northern Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. A few years ago, the agency was searching for an innovative way to provide parents, license-exempt providers, and family, friend and neighbor caregivers with early childhood support, information, and resources. CCRC also wanted a program that would strengthen their relationship with the community, while helping caregivers and families connect with each other. The goal was to promote the optimal development of the children within these often underserved caregiver settings.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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Spring Flooding: Tips to Prepare Child Care Providers

By Holly Nett on March 22, 2019

Spring can’t come soon enough for you, right?  On the heels of a winter that gifted us with the polar vortex and record amounts of snowfall across much of the country, spring flooding is now a reality in much of the Midwest. While those living in the northern tier of the country may be wishing for a quick spring warm up and the disappearance of snow,  rapid snow melt is already producing record flooding. 

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, emergency preparedness

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Workforce Wellness: A Call for Programs Doing it Well

By Jessica Rose-Malm on March 13, 2019

The life of a child care provider is never easy. Every day they wear a dozen hats—teacher, nurse, referee, social worker and more. Providers give their all to make sure the children in their care have all the tools they need to grow up happy, healthy and ready to learn. But the stress of doing it all, and for very little pay, can add up to big consequences for providers’ health and wellbeing.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Professional Development

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National CACFP Week: Raising Awareness of Nutrition in Your Child Care Program

By Krista Scott on March 11, 2019

On March 17-23, we will celebrate National CACFP Week!

Why? Child care is a place where many young children have their first experiences with new foods. Child care programs—family child care homes and child care centers—play a big role in helping children eat well, so they can learn and play.

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is an important part of how many providers are able to put healthier foods on the table for young children. It provides rules and guidance that help participating programs create healthy meals.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Workforce, Policy & Advocacy

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Promising Practices: Sharing Brain Development Info with Parents

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on March 08, 2019

Talk, Read, Play (TRP) is a unique education campaign that turns complex information about brain development in young children into a simple message parents can use to prepare their child for success in school and life: talk, read and play with your child every day.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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