From One Family to Another: Tips to Make the Transition Easier

By Guest Blogger on August 29, 2017

As a mom who has experience in transitioning children from child care to school, I’d like to share some tips with parents that are experiencing this for the first time this fall.

My 9-year-old son has already made the transition from home child care to preschool, then to an elementary school to after school care. I also have a daughter who will be soon making the transition from child care to a preschool center this fall.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Provider Health Spotlight on Celeste Joyner

By Laurie Rackas on August 16, 2017


Celeste Joyner, Children’s College, Baltimore, MD

The Problem:

Two vegetarians, one pescatarian (who eats fish but no other meat), five omnivores. How does one provider feed such a diverse group of eaters?

Topics: Family Stories, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Include Emergency Planning on Your Back-to-School Checklist

By Holly Nett on August 07, 2017

As you cross off important items on your family’s back-to-school checklist, don’t forget to be proactive in learning more about the emergency plan at your child’s school or child care program. All schools and before/afterschool child care programs should have an emergency plan in place to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations, such as fires, natural disasters (tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, etc.), bomb threats, and dangerous intruders. Ask your child’s teacher or school administrator for details about their plan, and seek clarifications if you do not fully understand components of the plan.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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July 2017 Footnotes

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on August 02, 2017

updating caring for our childrenIt’s hard to believe that July is coming to a close, and with it the imminent start to a new school year! August is National Back to School Month and we are celebrating with parents and providers through our Back to School Blog Series and daily back to school tips. July was another busy month, which included the release of our 2017 State Fact Sheets. We also continue planning around the 2017 Leadership Institute in October and our culmination 30th anniversary celebration at 2018 Symposium in April.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Systems Building, Best Practices, News

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Sick, Absent, or Forgotten? How a Change in Routine Can Become Deadly in Minutes

By Guest Blogger on July 31, 2017

Have you ever had a child in your child care program not arrive by her usual arrival time and simply rationalized that the child must be sick or on vacation today? My mission is to show you how this assumption can have lethal consequences for dozens of young children annually.

How? Each year since 1998, an average of 37 children have perished due to what is known as vehicular heatstroke, also referred to as vehicular hyperthermia or child hot car deaths. At the time of this blog, 23 cases have been documented in 2017, and more than 723 since 1998.

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Provider Health Spotlight on JeAnne Faris

By Krista Scott on July 19, 2017


JeAnne Faris, Trinity Lutheran Child Care Center, Kalispell, Montana

Topics: Workforce, Best Practices, News

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