Diane Girouard

Diane Girouard
Diane is currently the State Policy Analyst at Child Care Aware. Prior to this role, Diane was a policy analyst focused on child nutrition with the Food Research & Action Center. Diane also worked as a policy analyst for several years under both houses of the New York State Legislature on the education and higher education committees.

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State Session Round Up, Summer 2022

By Diane Girouard on August 09, 2022

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: An Opportunity to Contribute

By Diane Girouard on June 30, 2022

The White House has announced for the first time in over 50 years, it will host a Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health this September. The White House is seeking input to shape their anti-hunger plan from a broad, diverse group of stakeholders whose communities are affected by hunger. Your input is needed to shape the nation’s strategy for addressing hunger. Read more below on how you can weigh in on the impacts of hunger and child care to shape the priorities announced at upcoming conference.

Topics: Health & Safety

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Reflecting on the Impact of the American Rescue Plan Act, One Year Later

By Diane Girouard on March 11, 2022

Topics: Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy

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Federal Relief Funds: State Progress, Winter 2022

By Diane Girouard on January 31, 2022

This blog provides an update on how states are using the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act funds as of January 2022. The ARP Act allocated $39 billion in dedicated child care relief funding to states, with funds reaching states in spring 2021. This funding is broken down into two distinct streams: 

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Federal Relief Funds: State Progress, Fall 2021

By Diane Girouard on November 04, 2021

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act allocated $39 billion in dedicated child care relief funding to states. The ARP Act funds began to flow to states during spring 2021, with the intention to get funds out the door and provide relief to providers and families as quickly as possible.  

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Reflections on the 2022-2024 CCDF Public Input Process

By Diane Girouard on October 08, 2021

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program is a state and federal partnership used to provide assistance to low-income families to access child care, as well as build supply and improve program quality. Since 2016, states, territories and tribes have been required to outline how they will use this dedicated federal funding over a three-year period. Plans cover a multitude of areas, including how states will promote family engagement and consumer outreach, ensure equal program access, establish health and safety standards, recruit and retain a qualified workforce and support continuous quality improvement.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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