It Takes a Village – Rally4Babies Highlights Need to Invest in Early Childhood

By Adina Young on July 09, 2013

“The African saying, that it takes a village to raise a child is true, but the thing we need to remember all the time is that we are that village, it’s not somebody else, each one of us are part of the village and we have to daily say, what I can do to contribute to this, what can I do to help somebody further the life of a child,” stated Alma Powell, Chair of the Board at America’s Promise Alliance, discussing the importance of the advocacy community taking action on early childhood policies.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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Virginia County Looks to Weaken Child Care

By Adina Young on March 20, 2013

Last week a front page story in the Washington Post shared the tragic death of 3-month-old Camden Lafkin in a Virginia child care program.  The child care provider and Camden’s cause of death are under investigation.  What is known is that the program was unlicensed. (Virginia does not require an individual to obtain a child care license unless the provider cares for six or more children in the home – seven or more if the individual is caring for her own children since they are exempt from the official count of children in the home).

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News

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Virginia Needs an Overhaul of State Child Care Laws

By Adina Young on March 10, 2013

A front page Washington Post story on Sunday, March 10, “After a baby’s death, a Virginia mother fights for stronger child care standards,” shared the tragic story of 3-month-old Camden Lafkin’s death in a Virginia child care program.  The child care provider and Camden’s cause of death are under investigation. What is known is that the program was unlicensed. 

(Virginia does not require an individual to obtain a child care license unless the provider cares for six or more children in the home – seven or more if the individual is caring for her own children since they are exempt from the official count of children in the home).

Topics: Policy & Advocacy, News

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Progress Toward Quality Child Care

By Adina Young on January 01, 2013

Child Care Aware®of America’s quality child care campaign kicks off another year today on the journey for affordable, safe, quality child care for all children. How are we doing? What markers have we achieved to date?

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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Calling on Mothers - Time to Speak Up

By Adina Young on September 29, 2012

Last week in Washington, D.C., David Gray and Lisa Guernsey from the New America Foundation’s Workforce and Family Program and Early Education Initiative, led a panel discussion entitled, “Speaking Up: What the Presidential Candidates Should be Saying about Child Care and Early Learning.”

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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