Finding Flexible Child Care for Parents with Demanding Schedules

By Guest Blogger on January 25, 2018

Kathy, a married mother of three, struggled with finding a child care facility that could accept and accommodate her children’s unique needs, as well as her and her husband’s demanding work schedules. With the help of child care, she and her husband were no longer forced to alternate days off and were able to return to working regular schedules.

Topics: Family Stories, Best Practices

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Top 5 Victories in 2017 Paving the Way for A Successful 2018

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on January 20, 2018

Many families struggle to find child care that meets their needs and high-quality programs are difficult to find and typically have long waiting lists. We believe that no child or family should have to choose between affordability and quality. So we continue our work in convening thought-leaders, advocating on Capitol Hill, and keeping our communities abreast of the issues and solutions. We are proud of the efforts of our family advocates, staff, child care providers and the entire child care community!

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Family & Community Engagement, Policy & Advocacy, Best Practices, News

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The Top 5 Things CCR&Rs Should Do After a Disaster

By Adina Young on December 29, 2017


As the end of the year nears, CCAoA’s Emergency Preparedness Team has been reflecting on the disasters that struck in 2017. Top-of-mind, of course, are the hurricanes—Harvey, Irma, and Maria. Our team worked directly with CCR&Rs affected by the storms and the providers they serve. This is the last of three blogs on lessons learned and our team’s advice for CCR&Rs about the critical things they need to do before, during, and after a disaster.

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Health Resource Spotlight: Tips for Keeping Children Safe - A Developmental Guide

By Laurie Rackas on December 19, 2017

The Problem:

We want young children to explore their environments, so they can acquire new skills and knowledge. Unfortunately, though, in the process of mastering skills such as eating solid foods or climbing, they can get injured.

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Snow Safety: Five Steps to be Prepared

By Adina Young on December 18, 2017

With winter right around the corner and temperatures dropping fast, this is the perfect time to prepare for a possible winter emergency. Many people love the idea of a few inches of fluffy snow falling from the sky, but all too quickly, that few inches can morph into the winter storm of the year. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to ensure that you and your loved ones will be ready for and safe if severe weather strikes.

Topics: Best Practices, Health & Safety

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Site Diagrams Made Easy – Do You Have One for Your Child Care Facility?

By Julie Looper Coats on December 15, 2017

An alarm rings…lights flash…you regularly practice fire drills, so you know this is the fire alarm. You need to evacuate, but what do you take with you?  Where is the closest exit?  What happens if the closest exit is blocked?  How can you evacuate yourself and your roomful of toddlers quickly and easily?

Topics: Systems Building, Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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