National Child Care Information and Referral Center Team

National Child Care Information and Referral Center Team
A program of Child Care Aware® of America, the National Child Care Information & Referral Center has served as our nation’s most respected hub of child care information for parents and child care providers. The team has helped families and providers connect with their local Child Care Resource and Referral office (CCR&R) and locate other child care resources in their communities across the United States since 1992.

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Important Research for Parents

Have you heard? It seems as if everybody is talking about "brain development" - the term being used to describe new research into the importance of a child's earliest experiences. You may have read about it in a magazine, or seen it on the web. Maybe you're hearing it for the first time right here. What parents have known for years - that good early experiences are good for our children - is now being proven by doctors and scientists at research centers and universities all over the country.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Raising a Reader

Nurturing a Love for Reading

Nurturing a love for reading and writing is a role that parents can play in their children's lives. Success in school and later careers depends on having good reading and writing skills. These days we constantly hear about the importance of literacy. What does literacy mean? It's the ability to read and write.

Topics: Parenting

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¿Por Qué Mi Hijo Se Comporta Así?

Todos los padres se preguntan a veces si el comportamiento de su hijo es normal. Los niños de todas las edades exhiben comportamientos bochornosos o frustrantes: gimoteo, berrinches, pláticas sobre temas "tabú," malas palabras, o una tendencia a ser mandón con los compañeritos. Estos comportamientos ponen a prueba su paciencia y pueden hacer que pierda la cabeza. Aunque quiere mucho a su hijo, sus acciones le pueden hacerse sentir incómodo y susceptible a las críticas de otros.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Why Does My Child Act Like That?

All parents wonder at times whether their child's behavior is normal. Children at every age exhibit embarrassing or frustrating behaviors: whining, tantrums, bathroom talk, swearing, or bossiness. These behaviors test your patience and can leave you at your wit's end. As much as you love your child, his actions can make you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable to other people's criticism.

Topics: Parenting

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Revisar Antes de Cerrar

El verano se acerca a su fin, y las clases empezarán pronto. Pero esto no significa que estamos fuera de la canícula todavía. Mientras el calor del verano sigue, es importante mantenernos alertos a la seguridad de los niños y los vehículos.  El Departamento de Transportación de los EEUU ha indicado que la hipertermia es la causa principal de las muertes infantiles relacionadas a los vehículos, aparte de los choques. ¿Conoce usted los indicios y síntomas de la hipertermia? ¿Sabría cómo ayudar si encontrara a un niño en un vehículo con alta temperatura?

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Look Before You Lock

Summer is winding down and school will be starting soon. That does not mean we are clear of the dog days of summer just yet. As the summer heat continues, it is important to remain alert to children and car safety. The U.S. Department of Transportation has indicated that heatstroke is the number one cause of vehicle-related deaths of children, outside of car crashes. Are you familiar with the signs and symptoms of heatstroke? Would you know how to help if you found a child in a hot car?

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety

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