Krista Scott

Krista Scott
Krista Scott is an experienced child health expert working at the forefront of policy, advocacy and equity as the current Senior Director for Child Care Health Policy at CCAoA. For over 15 years, Ms. Scott has worked in public health and education, primarily in non-profit and government agencies, where she has honed her expertise in early childhood health, mental health, special education, program development and support and in using policies to strengthen practice. Ms. Scott has her bachelor’s degree in political science and her Master of Social Work with a focus on management and policy.

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New Survey Shows Wide Support for School Meal and Dietary Guidelines

By Krista Scott on October 16, 2015

According to a survey sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, a majority of Americans support the national school nutrition standards. The poll found that 9 out of 10 people in the United States support the national school nutrition standards, which were revised in 2010 as part of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act. Additionally, 86 percent of people asked say that school nutrition standards should stay the same or be strengthened.

Topics: Health & Safety

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