Your On-the-Go Consumer Education Brochure Suite for Parents

August 26, 2020

modern family on laptop
The process of searching for child care is undeniably one of the most difficult processes for families with young children to navigate. We are excited to share with you a newly refreshed suite of on-the-go child care information brochures that help you talk with Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agencies and providers when choosing safe and quality care.

searching for the right child care program brochure

Our national consumer education team has over two decades of experience working alongside families through our National Child Care Information and Referral Center.  In 2019 alone, we engaged with over 5,200 family members through telephone hotline, online instant chat, and email. We met an additional 720,000 unique visitors in 2019 on our consumer education website, where families and early learning care and education professionals access trusted child care information to support their goals, search for their local child care resource and referral agency, access state-by-state resources, and seek a plethora of other helpful resources.

Throughout our years of engagement with families, we’ve tuned in to better understand the evolving child care and early learning needs of families and their children. We have translated what we’ve learned into an updated suite of ten child care brochures you can use off the shelf. 

For a more personalized conversation, reach out to your local CCR&R agency.

Child Care Brochures for Families

Here are nine child care brochures touch on contemporary topics that are important to topics that many families inquire about. Topics include:

  • Searching for the Right Child Care Program
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español

  • Make the Most of Your Child Care Visit
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español 

  • Paying for Child Care
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español

  • Choosing Quality Child Care for a Child with Special Needs
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español

  • Selecting a Quality School-Age Program
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español | English One-Pager PDF

  • Working Together for Kindergarten Success
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español

  • Selecting the Right Child Care Setting for Your Infant or Toddler
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español | English One-Pager PDF

  • Learning to Read and Write Begins at Birth
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español

  • Parents: Is Your Child Care Program Prepared for Disaster?
    • English PDF  |  PDF en español


Topics: Family & Community Engagement, En español, Parenting

Kim Engelman

Written by Kim Engelman

In 2015, Dr. Engelman joined Child Care Aware® of America’s staff team where she uses her expertise and knowledge from preventive medicine and public health, health and human service systems, child development, research and data, clinical psychology and early childhood care and education to advance Child Care Aware® of America’s mission.