¿Por Qué Mi Hijo Se Comporta Así?

Todos los padres se preguntan a veces si el comportamiento de su hijo es normal. Los niños de todas las edades exhiben comportamientos bochornosos o frustrantes: gimoteo, berrinches, pláticas sobre temas "tabú," malas palabras, o una tendencia a ser mandón con los compañeritos. Estos comportamientos ponen a prueba su paciencia y pueden hacer que pierda la cabeza. Aunque quiere mucho a su hijo, sus acciones le pueden hacerse sentir incómodo y susceptible a las críticas de otros.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Why Does My Child Act Like That?

All parents wonder at times whether their child's behavior is normal. Children at every age exhibit embarrassing or frustrating behaviors: whining, tantrums, bathroom talk, swearing, or bossiness. These behaviors test your patience and can leave you at your wit's end. As much as you love your child, his actions can make you feel uncomfortable and vulnerable to other people's criticism.

Topics: Parenting

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Help Build Your Child's Brain on National Opposite Day

By Patience Hill on January 24, 2017

National Opposite Day is observed every year on January 25. Many enjoy using this day to try to confuse others by saying and doing the opposite of what they really mean. Why not use this day to help build your child’s brain? By the age of five, your child’s brain has reached 90 percent of its full size and their patterns for learning have been established. As a parent, you have a wonderful opportunity to play an important role in supporting development during this exciting time. Vroom helps parents by turning everyday moments into brain-building moments.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Health Resource Spotlight: Reducing Stress

By Krista Scott on December 16, 2016


Take Care of Yourself: Reduce Your Stress

Topics: Parenting, Health & Safety

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Holiday Toy Safety – Making Smart Choices While Allowing Children to Still Have Fun

By Julie Looper Coats on December 14, 2016

The holiday season often brings an abundance of excitement for young children who anticipate receiving new toys and games. The gift givers’ tasks aren’t accomplished by simply finding and buying the wish list items—attention also needs to also be paid on ensuring that gifts are age appropriate and pose no safety hazards.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

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Leaving for Logan: Looking for an Oasis in a Child Care Desert

By Chrisi West on November 21, 2016

The importance of high-quality, affordable child care affects everyone. In the spirit of the holiday giving season, Child Care Aware® of America is pleased to share with you a special edition story in Faces of Child Care, a series of stories from individuals of various walks of life who are affected by child care.

Read Ashley’s story below to learn more about how you can help Child Care Aware® of America work to ensure that every family in America has access to high-quality, affordable child care.

Topics: Family Stories, Parenting

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