Rutinas y Ritos Familiares

Las rutinas son patrones y hábitos familiares de los que las familias dependen para manejar su vida diaria. Debido a que los padres con frecuencia buscan formas de organizarse y economizar tiempo, las rutinas se convierten en una fuente de apoyo de mucha utilidad. Cuando establecen calendarios diarios, crean centros familiares para mensajes y hacen arreglos para poner en su sitio las pertenencias de todos los miembros, las familias pueden mantener un control sobre sus actividades e identificar y resolver problemas potenciales.

Topics: Best Practices, En español, Parenting

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Stress Relief and Anger Prevention

Stress is a part of our everyday lives: struggling with your four-year-old over breakfast food, having the car overheat in traffic, running late to pick up at the child care center, confronting family members about chores and household responsibilities.

Topics: Best Practices, Parenting

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Promising Practices: Discovering Innovative Ways to Provide Support to ECE Communities

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on March 26, 2019

Child Care Resource Center (CCRC), serves California’s Northern Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. A few years ago, the agency was searching for an innovative way to provide parents, license-exempt providers, and family, friend and neighbor caregivers with early childhood support, information, and resources. CCRC also wanted a program that would strengthen their relationship with the community, while helping caregivers and families connect with each other. The goal was to promote the optimal development of the children within these often underserved caregiver settings.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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Promising Practices: Sharing Brain Development Info with Parents

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on March 08, 2019

Talk, Read, Play (TRP) is a unique education campaign that turns complex information about brain development in young children into a simple message parents can use to prepare their child for success in school and life: talk, read and play with your child every day.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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Promising Practices: Encouraging Early Learning Activities at Home

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on February 22, 2019


In February 2017, the Early Learning Coalition of Duval (ELCD) County, Florida joined forces with Jacksonville Journey, a comprehensive community-wide crime prevention initiative. For a decade, Jacksonville Journey has focused on positive youth development, neighborhood safety, truancy, and dropout prevention and intervention. Leaders at ELCD also saw a need within the initiative for early intervention and parent education services, and launched the Family Engagement and Early Literacy Support Program. It strives to help families by fostering strong parent-child relationships and encourage early learning activities in the home.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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Promising Practices: Reaching Underserved Families and Caregivers

By April Dodge-Ostendorf on February 15, 2019


Bright by Three is a Colorado-based organization that equips families with tools to promote their child’s healthy development through the most pivotal stages of growth during the earliest years of life. The organization partners with pediatricians, researchers and other child development experts to design program materials in English and Spanish, delivered to families through a visitation program and Bright by Text. Since its launch in 1995, Bright by Three has given early education and support to more than 200,000 families in Colorado. In 2012, the organization decided to look into how they could expand their reach to parents and caregivers not served by the visitation program.

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Family & Community Engagement, Best Practices

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