With the support of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA) is pleased to offer technical assistance (TA) to states on projects that support development or maintenance of quality child care settings that promote child health.
CCAoA will select up to six (6) organizations to participate in this nine-month project, based on the strength of their applications. Please submit your proposals by 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.
During the Healthy Child Care, Healthy Communities project period, the selected organization will determine which element of healthy child care will be its priority and will develop and implement a TA plan to achieve a goal articulated in this application. This goal must be a SMART goal—a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time bound. We are interested in supporting statewide, regional, or local organizations with these initiatives through intensive TA that supports systemic changes to state or local policies or practices through one or a combination of the following levers for change:
- Policy Development and Analysis
- Advocacy
- Research and Community-Informed Practices
- Family and Community Engagement
- Workforce Capacity Building Activities
Elements of a successful application include:
- Participation in or building of a broad-based coalition focused on addressing health in child care settings.
- Expressed interest in using data and data visualization to answer a research question or to solve a problem related to healthy child care settings.
- A description of the types of support activities offered by CCAoA that it plans to use to support the equity-rooted policy and practice levers selected.
- Preference will be given to applicants who are willing to enter into data partnership agreements with CCAoA,
- Total number of points that may be obtained through evaluation criteria is equal to 100 points. Maximum point values for each question are listed.
Get further information about this opportunity here. Questions about the process or the submission may be addressed to Krista Scott, Senior Director of Child Care Health Policy at Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA).