I Chose Child Care Aware of America this #GivingTuesday – Join me!

By Kelvin Chan, Ph.D. on November 27, 2023

As 2023 winds down, I’m reflecting on the past year, the awe-inspiring work Child Care Aware® of America (CCAoA)has done and my gratitude to serve on the Board of Directors and share in this work. It is this community that makes our work to promote children's healthy development and learning through quality and accessible child care possible.  

Topics: Systems Building

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Reading, Resilient and Ready: Using books to support children’s emergency preparedness, response, and recovery in child care

By Jillian Ritter on November 07, 2023

Child Care Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery 

Children of all ages should be involved in emergency preparedness activities in their child care program. If an emergency or disaster occurs, children may need support in understanding and coping. The right books can help child care providers support children in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.  

Topics: emergency preparedness

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Why Giving Tuesday inspires us to #UnleashGenerosity

By Andrea M. Pagano-Reyes, on November 01, 2023

Giving Tuesday - Email Hero V1

You may be wondering: What IS #GivingTuesday and what are its roots? The days following Thanksgiving signify the start of the holiday spending season, including Black Friday and Cyber Monday, when communities are swept up in the excitement of the upcoming festivities and often leave behind the sense of love and thanks that characterize Thanksgiving. 

Topics: Systems Building

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Fall Federal and State Policy Updates

By Christina Koch and Diane Girouard on October 12, 2023

Federal Policy Update 

Last week, Congress avoided a government shutdown with just hours to spare before the October 1 deadline when federal funding was set to expire. This is a huge relief, as a government shutdown would have temporarily disrupted critical programs that children, families and communities rely on. However, child care and early education programs are not in the clear yet. Congress was able to pass a short-term spending bill, called a continuing resolution or CR, to fund the government through November 17 at the same funding levels as FY23. Although this prevented a shutdown, it is still a temporary solution and only buys a small amount of time before we face the same threat again come November.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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State Session Round Up: Summer 2023

By Diane Girouard on September 14, 2023


Many states have made progress on supporting child care access, affordability, and quality during their 2023 legislative sessions. These actions are particularly noteworthy as 72% ($37.45 billion) of federal relief funding approaches its spending deadline on September 30, 2023.  

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Celebrating Black ECE Business Owners as Visionaries of Change

By Devon Lee on September 01, 2023

Topics: diversity equity and inclusion

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