National Preparedness Month

September 04, 2020

preparedness month

It’s September! And as you may know, each September is recognized as National Preparedness MonthPreparedness Month promotes family and community disaster planning now, during the month, and throughout the year. 

The 2020 National Preparedness Month theme is: "Disasters Don’t Wait. Make Your Plan Today." And for each week in September, offers additional details and ideas surrounding the theme of emergency planning. 

Week 1 September 1-5: Make A Plan 

First and foremost, you need an emergency plan! If you’ve already got an emergency plan, is it up-to-datePlanning for emergencies is essential, as an emergency event can happen to anyone at anytime.  Make sure your emergency plan covers any of the hazards that you may encounter. If you already have a written emergency plan in place, now is a good time to review it to make sure it is up-to-date. If you did not already include pandemics in your plan, this is a good time to add it. 

Week 2 September 6-12: Build A Kit 

Do have an emergency supply kit?  Is it stocked and updated, ready to go at a moment’s notice?  For some ideas on what to include, you can download Child Care Aware of America’s Emergency Supply Kit to ensure you are ready.  Remember: because of COVID-19, your kits may look a bit different now, as they will need to include masks and additional personal hygiene supplies If your emergency supply kit is already stocked, be sure to identify a schedule to make sure the materials are still good. For example, is the food expired? Are the batteries still working? You should also determine who will be responsible for maintaining the emergency supply kit. 

Week 3 September 13-19: Prepare for Disasters 

Now is the time to prepare and plan for the types of emergency events you may encounter in your area.  By thinking through this now, you can lessen some of the impacts.  How can you make your home more resilient and lessen the impacts of an emergency?  Do you need to cut back trees and shrubs that are too close to your house?  What about your homeowner or renters insurance – is it up to date? Lastly, are you subscribed to your city or county’s emergency alerts?  Now is a great time to take these proactive steps and ensure you are better-prepared for disasters. 

Week 4 September 20-26: Teach Youth About Preparedness 

Are your children included in your preparedness drills?  Are they familiar with your emergency plan and what to do if you need to evacuate or shelter in place?  Take the time now to ensure children and youth are familiar with emergency plans and take part in your preparedness activities. Think about age-appropriate ways to reinforce these concepts. It is also good to involve parents in the discussions and be sure they know what the plan is as well!   

For more information about National Preparedness Month, including videos and graphics to use all month long, visit Additionally, Child Care Aware of America’s Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery team has resources, tips, and tools for parents, child care providers, and children, available here: 

Topics: Business Operations for CCR&Rs, Professional Development, Best Practices, Health & Safety, emergency preparedness

Julie Looper Coats

Written by Julie Looper Coats

Julie Looper Coats serves as the Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response at Child Care Aware® of America. Her professional service includes work as Senior Program Analyst for the Medical Reserve Corps project at the National Association of County and City Health Officials in Washington, D.C., where she supported Public Health Preparedness efforts across the country. Julie also has experience in emergency preparedness and response at the local level, working at the Oklahoma City – County Health Department from 2010-2014, where she managed the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps during several severe weather deployments, as well as provided support during the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and other large-scale events. Julie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology and a Master’s Degree in Emergency and Disaster Management.