Christina Koch

Christina Koch
Christina Koch is currently the Federal Policy Analyst at Child Care Aware of America. Her background is in federal and state education policy and she also has experience providing direct social services to children and families. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Public Communication from American University and a Master of Social Work from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, where she was awarded the Julee Kryder-Coe Award for Advocacy and Social Action. She is originally from Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

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Breaking Down the Build Back Better Act

By Christina Koch on November 01, 2021

On Thursday, October 28, President Biden announced a new framework for the Build Back Better Act, which includes $400 billion for child care and early learning investments over the next 6 years. If the Build Back Better Act is signed into law, it will dramatically transform the child care and early learning system for nearly every family with young children, as well as for child care providers.  

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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