Adina Young

Adina Young
Adina Young is the Sr. Communications Manager at Child Care Aware® of America.

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New Jersey Advocacy Training

By Adina Young on October 04, 2013


 Last week, members of the Child Care Aware® of America Policy and Communications teams hopped in the car bright and early for a trip to West Windsor, NJ for a two-day on-site advocacy training. The team consisted of Jasmine Smith, Senior Policy Advisor; Nick Vucic, Government Affairs Associate; and Sara Miller, Communications and Public Affairs Specialist.

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Professional Development, Policy & Advocacy

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The Child Care and Development Block Grant Moves Onward

By Adina Young on September 18, 2013

Today the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, passed the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2013 out of Committee. A lot has changed in the past two decades and it’s been 17 years since the last reauthorization. This legislation places emphasis on promoting policies that will contribute to the safety and healthy development of millions of children who benefit from the federal child care program. The bill will now go to the fullSenate for consideration.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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5 Tips for Recess SUCCESS!

By Adina Young on August 19, 2013

It’s that time of year again—August recess! Congress has adjourned for the month of August and will not be back in session until September 9. During their month-long recess, many Members take the opportunity to re-engage with their community and the constituents they serve. This is a perfect opportunity for you to foster and cultivate those very important relationships with your Senators and Representative, as well as their key staff. You want them to know who you are and what issues you care about –early learning, child care, resource and referral services, etc., and how those issues are affecting your local community and your state.

Topics: Policy & Advocacy

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Florida On-Site Advocacy

By Adina Young on July 18, 2013

Earlier this week, members of the Child Care Aware® of America Policy Team jumped on a plane and went to Tampa for a one-day on-site Advocacy Training. They worked closely with the Children’s Forum in Tallahassee to put together a jam-packed agenda for each of the 60 attendees at the training.

Topics: Workforce, Professional Development, Policy & Advocacy, News

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It Takes a Village – Rally4Babies Highlights Need to Invest in Early Childhood

By Adina Young on July 09, 2013

“The African saying, that it takes a village to raise a child is true, but the thing we need to remember all the time is that we are that village, it’s not somebody else, each one of us are part of the village and we have to daily say, what I can do to contribute to this, what can I do to help somebody further the life of a child,” stated Alma Powell, Chair of the Board at America’s Promise Alliance, discussing the importance of the advocacy community taking action on early childhood policies.

Topics: Systems Building, Policy & Advocacy, News

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Retired Military Leaders Support Comprehensive Early Learning Agenda

By Adina Young on June 11, 2013

Mission: Readiness, a nonprofit organization made up more than 350 retired military senior officers who are asking state and federal lawmakers to create policies that will help youth prepare for employment and military service, released a report showing how high-quality early learning programs could lead to 2 million more high school graduates and $150 billion in economic benefits. With 75% of all young Americans ineligible to join the military, largely as a result of not having a high school diploma or being able to score high enough on the military’s entrance exam to be allowed to serve, Mission: Readiness recognizes the economic and national security benefits of high-quality early learning settings.

Topics: Systems Building, Workforce, Professional Development, Policy & Advocacy

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