5 Signs You're Financially Ready to Have a Baby

By CCAoA on June 29, 2021

U.S. News & World Report

Child care will likely be a family's biggest expense during the first three to four years of their child's life. 

"It is unfortunate how much families have to consider this in their family planning. It should be a situation where there is care that is affordable and high quality nearby if you need it in this country," says Mario Cardona, chief of policy and practice at Child Care Aware of America. However, he says "the price of child care remains incredibly high. It outpaces the costs of just about any household expense in the country, except for housing in the West."

The average annual price of child care was around $9,100 to $9,600 nationally in 2019, according to a report by Child Care Aware of America. However, costs vary dramatically by region. 

In California, for example, the average annual price of center-based infant child care was $16,452, representing 17.5% of the median household income in the state. In Arkansas, the annual price of center-based infant child care was $6,443, representing 8.9% of the median household income in the state.

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The Return to the Office Is Pushing Even More Women Out of Work

By CCAoA on June 16, 2021

Bloomberg News

While finding affordable child care in the U.S. was difficult before the pandemic, several factors are making returning to the workplace now especially tough for parents. First, young children are still not eligible for vaccination, so returning workers may be concerned about transmitting the virus to them, even if the parents are inoculated. Second, good intentions and emergency care by companies are a Band-Aid, which doesn’t give parents confidence about going back to the office on a regular basis. And third, it’s even harder than it used to be to find good care.

Nationally, the estimate is that more than 30% of child care centers and 25% of in-home family day care closed during the pandemic, according to Child Care Aware of America, an organization that advocates for access to affordable child care. Staff turnover was high even before Covid, especially with such jobs paying only an average of $11.65 an hour.

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Military will pay toward in-home child care for some families in pilot program

By CCAoA on June 16, 2021

Military Times

Child Care Aware of America, the third-party administrator, on July 6 will start contacting parents who have requested in-home care through MilitaryChildCare.com with offers to participate in the pilot, as well as information about how to enroll, according to DoD spokeswoman Lisa Lawrence.

Child Care Aware will oversee the program to verify service member and child care provider eligibility, and provide the fee assistance payments to the approved providers. They will also ensure the providers successfully complete and maintain current background check requirements. Families must find their own child care provider. 

According to the website of Child Care Aware of America, which operates the fee assistance programs for the services, it serves about 10,000 military children a year.

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Guest Opinion: Ensuring early childhood systems work

By Lynette Fraga, Ph.D. on June 08, 2021

Boulder Daily Camera (CO)

By Taran Schneider and Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D.

Colorado has a unique opportunity to support its families and strengthen its economic recovery by taking advantage of recent unprecedented investments in early learning. In the past year, Colorado voters widely supported Proposition EE by a 2-1 margin, which will drive funding to support voluntary universal preschool and, at the same time, historic amounts of federal relief funding have been allocated for child care. With widespread support and increased funding, there is no better time for Colorado to transform the early childhood system into one that takes an innovative and equitable approach in serving families, providers, and children.

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Child care costs $17,000 a year for California parents. Would Biden plan help?

By CCAoA on June 01, 2021

McClatchy DC

Mario Cardona, chief of policy and practice at Child Care Aware of America, said the tax breaks are “meaningful improvements to ensure families have the resources they need to access child care, and promote the health and well-being of their children.”

But, Cardona said, “They are not a replacement for a direct investment in child care. We will need sustained, robust federal investment to grow an affordable, accessible and equitable child care system that values the work of caregivers and serves all communities.”

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States have never had this much money for child care. Could this be a turning point for the industry?

By CCAoA on May 24, 2021

The 19th

When it was passed in March, President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan included the single largest allocation for child care in the nation’s history: $39 billion. That’s more money than the United States has spent on child care in the past five years combined.

Combined with the billions in child care aid already included in earlier stimulus packages, states and tribes are looking at a degree of funding that could transform child care industries that have been neglected for decades, but they’ll have to do it with small departments and outdated systems. They will also have to focus on reaching people who have never qualified or been helped by child care dollars, a particular challenge that is beyond the scope of what agencies have done in the past. 

“It is more money than the states have ever received for child care — multiples more than they’ve ever received before — and it is a big undertaking, especially if you are thinking about reaching more children, more families, more providers who may not have a relationship with the states at all,” said Mario Cardona, the chief of policy and practice at Child Care Aware, a national child care advocacy organization

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Investments in child care facilities are critical to building a more equitable system of care

By Mario Cardona on May 14, 2021

The Hechinger Report

A little more than a month ago, President Biden announced his American Jobs Plan, which includes $25 billion to invest in facilities upgrades in child care settings and to build the supply of infant and toddler care. The plan also includes investments to replace all lead pipes and service lines in drinking water systems to ensure no child is at risk of exposure to lead. When combined with investments in making child care more affordable for families and supporting compensation for the child care workforce, these investments could have a transformative impact on the lives of children, families and providers.

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One key to getting women back to work post-pandemic: Childcare

By CCAoA on May 06, 2021


The number of licensed childcare providers was 13% lower in December than it was a year earlier, according to the most recent figures available from Child Care Aware of America, a national organization that advocates for broader access to quality childcare.

"Once parents start going back to work, particularly mothers who are going to be re-entering the workforce, will there be enough supply of care to meet the needs of families?" said Mario Cardona, chief of policy and practice for Child Care Aware of America.

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America can't afford the cost of inaction on child care

By Mario Cardona on April 30, 2021

The Hill

The pandemic and economic downturn of the past year thrust America's child care crisis into the spotlight, providing an unprecedented opportunity for lawmakers not just to stabilize the child care system, but also to dramatically improve the lives of children, families and caregivers.   

Now, as the Biden administration and Congress move swiftly to advance ambitious funding measures, we find ourselves at a crossroads.  

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President Biden’s proposal could save some families nearly $15,000 a year on child care

By CCAoA on April 28, 2021

WTSP (CBS/Tampa)

Child care is now more expensive than the cost of college tuition in roughly half the country.

That’s one of the statistics Mario Cardona usually leads off with when talking about the financial challenges facing some working parents when it comes to finding high-quality care for their children.

Cardona is the chief of policy and practice as Child Care Aware America, a nonprofit focused on getting families access to child care.

He says finding affordable and convenient child care was a struggle for families prior to the pandemic, and COVID-19 only worsened it.

"Childcare is the highest household expense," Cardona said. "It outstrips the amount of money you spend on groceries, utilities, mortgage or rent payments and so it’s a significant issue — and if you’re a single-parent household it’s untenable."

Wednesday night, during his first joint address to Congress, President Biden laid out his desire to get passed a $1.8 trillion spending and tax credit plan which includes $225 billion over 10 years to cover all child care costs for low-income families, while most others would pay no more than 7 percent of their annual income.

The average family could save $14,800 a year on child care under the plan, according to the Biden administration.

"That will go a long way in giving families the breathing room they need," Cardona said. "We know that childcare is essential in helping parents get to work and helping mothers, in particular, and so if you care about the economy then you care about childcare."

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