Parents navigate challenges and costs of child care

By CCAoA on August 22, 2023

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The cost of child care is on the rise in the U.S., up more than 14% over the last five years with the average cost per child at almost $11,000 per year.

CCAoA's CEO Susan Gale Perry shares how critical high quality child care is for families in the U.S. 

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Child care advocates seek solutions as pandemic-era federal funding winds down

By CCAoA on August 22, 2023

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Bipartisan Senate Committee Approves FY2024 Child Care Funding

By CCAoA on July 27, 2023

Senate committee approves increased investment in our country’s child care and early learning system  

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Cost of living: Child care

By CCAoA on February 14, 2023


Children aren’t cheap. The cost of living crisis is pushing parents to the edge of their finances, worrying about paying for essentials like food, clothing and childcare. 

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The pandemic intensified the childcare crisis—and it could be a permanent and expensive problem for working parents

By CCAoA on January 09, 2023


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CCAoA Statement on Congressional Passage of FY23 Omnibus Spending Bill

By CCAoA on December 23, 2022


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New Mexico voted a child care guarantee into its constitution. For one mom, it means her 8-year-old doesn’t worry about money anymore

By CCAoA on December 07, 2022



A mom of three, Alicia Fout was going to college and working 30 hours a week but still often struggled to cover the cost of child care.

The high price tag forced her to prioritize which monthly bills to pay, which meant frequent utility shut-off notices – and some extremely difficult decisions.

“I learned which bills I could forgo every other month to keep up with the financial needs of my children,” Fout told CNN. 

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State Legislature Roundup

By CCAoA on November 15, 2022

State Legislature Roundup: Some Wins, but More Support for Child Care is Needed | Exchange Press 


State Leg Roundup Image

States and local communities play a significant role in shaping the policies that determine child care access for families and the quality of available care. This article explores legislation that state and local governments enacted in 2022 to support child care and early learning. These actions are especially important, as the last available federal funding, which has allowed states to implement temporary child care policies, is set to run out by September 24. 

As states spend down their relief funding over the next year, it will be critical to keep advocating for child care and early learning policies at the state level. While some legislative actions have been big policy wins for families, providers, and children, not every state has made bold reforms for child care and early learning. That leaves a patch-work of early learning access across the country. In 2023, we must make child care investments a priority in all state houses and at the federal level.

Follow Lynette Fraga on Twitter @lynette_fraga and Child Care Aware of America @ChildCareAware

Read the full article

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Yes, Inflation is Making Child Care Cost More

By CCAoA on October 20, 2022
No One Is Coming To Save Us | podcast by Lemonada Media 
Gloria calls up Lynette Fraga, CEO of Child Care Aware of America, to unpack the many reasons why America’s child care crisis has only gotten worse over the past year, from inflation to the workforce crisis. Lynette explains why the military’s child care system, famous for its high quality and accessibility, is also struggling right now, with more than 11,000 children under 5 in need of a child care spot urgently. Plus, a story from the No One Is Coming to Save Us community about a new mom looking for infant care before her first ultrasound.

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The child care crisis just keeps getting worse

By CCAoA on September 27, 2022


On the Senate floor in early August, just two days before lawmakers voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, four senior Democrats came out to lament what they believed to be the bill’s biggest omission: child care.

“We cannot simply vote on this package and call it a day,” Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) said. “Our child care system isn’t just stretched thin; it is broken.”

Less than two months later, the extent of that brokenness is clearer than ever. Public schools are fully reopened, and most pandemic-era restrictions are relaxed. But working conditions for families with kids who need child care are not back to normal. For both workers and parents, already-grim trends in child care have only gotten worse since the pandemic began: program costs have increased, while waiting lists in several states number in the tens of thousands.

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