Blog - Child Care Aware of America

The Exorbitant Cost of Child Care: A Millennial Parent Perspective

Written by Guest Blogger | July 6, 2017

I am a 26-year-old single mother of a beautiful little girl. I love being a parent. But the cost of child care for a child under the age of two is so expensive in the Washington, DC metro area. More than half of my paycheck goes to child care. As millennial, that is not much money starting out for a single parent. I thought making just over $48K a year would be the best thing in the world until I realized that I won't be able to qualify for state assistance anymore. That, paired with the cost of healthcare, has taken a toll on me as a mother. I am trying my best but I feel as though I'll never get out of this expense hole that I seem to have fallen into.

Child care shouldn't be this expensive. Give mothers more time off, or offer alternatives so that the child doesn't have to attend child care five days a week. Raise the income requirements for state assistance. There are so many answers and solutions, but nothing is being done. I just want the best for my daughter. I don’t want to send her to just anyone; it would also not give me the peace of mind that I currently get from my daughter's daycare. The cost is high, but my mind is at ease when it comes to her safety. I just wish it was the same for my wallet.

Many parents and families rely on child care providers to support their family, especially single parents like Typhani. Often parents, especially millennials, struggle with access to both quality AND affordable child care. Interested in reading more stories from parents like Typhani? Click Family Stories on the sidebar.